Postcard "Hearts of Lovers" and other ideas for working in the quilling technique

Postcard "Hearts of Lovers" and other ideas for working in the quilling technique

Valentine's Day is approaching us and therefore, weshould think about creating a beautiful and unique gift for your loved one. What gift could be better than one made with your own hands? A beautiful card in red and white style, which expresses love and tender feelings for your person, will undoubtedly become a special part of your holiday and will be able to please with its special approach to work.

Postcard "Hearts of Lovers" and other ideas for working in the quilling technique

Postcards for lovers - the best options for postcards. Photo №1Looking for an interesting solution toto please a relative and loved one, we can use the possibilities of the popular Quilling technique, which opens up possibilities for paper deformation and work on it. With the help of various tools and a special set, you will be able to make a real heart, which can be given and kept for many years as a good gift.

  • You will need regular quilling paper, 2 mm wide, white color.
  • Take quilling paper 4 mm wide, red color
  • You will need scissors for processing
  • You will need a quilling tool.
  • Designer cardboard
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Creasing tool
  • PVA glue

Preparing the basic elements of quilling for a postcardPostcards for lovers - the best options for postcards. Photo # 2First, let's start working on the basis of the futurepostcards. The postcard format will not be standard. To work, you need to take a sheet of cardboard for design work and, using measurements, make a measurement of 5 centimeters, then another 10 centimeters and then again 5 centimeters. Using the scoring tool, you need to make lines for the fold and then fold the blank. After this, you will get a base in the form of a double-leaf postcard. Using cardboard, we form the substrates for the two parts of the future single heart. You can draw them by hand. Initially, we form one half of the heart, as well as one part of the wing. Then, the element is cut out and outlined twice, for a mirror image. You get a version of a heart on wings on both sides of the postcard.Postcards for lovers - the best options for postcards. Picture №3Then, you need to cut out the craft object.Now, you can start working on preparing the quilling elements. We will need a version of the "drop" pattern, where there will also be a slightly bent end. This element will designate feathers for the wings of the heart product. Those who are already accustomed to the fact that the rolls can be twisted with hands are still advised to use a tool for this task. This is due to the fact that the paper for the feathers is only 2 millimeters wide, which means it will be difficult to process. You need to prepare six large particles of the "drop" modules, as well as more medium-sized "drop" particles and somewhere around 12 pieces of the smallest drops.Postcards for lovers - the best options for postcards. Photo №4Next, we take the red stripes, whichfirst, you need to glue them together according to the length parameter and twist them into a huge roll, which is also transformed into a drop module. It is extremely important that the roll that you twisted from several lines unravels in even layers. Thus, when processing, you need to let it unwind as slowly as possible. Then the element will come out beautiful, will not have openings inside. We form two such elements, which form two halves of the heart for us. AssemblyPostcards for lovers - the best options for postcards. Photo №5Then, you need to try on each half.hearts to the pre-thought-out cardboard backings that we made a little earlier. They need to be glued to the product. Then, we work on the wings. Here we need to take three large feathers and glue them in an overlapping manner so that they touch the very top of the wing. Then. we also attach three feathers in the middle using the overlapping pattern. Using the same edge of the wing, we work on gluing two medium feathers, as well as six small feathers, but without using an overlap. Then, we need to work on the second row of the assembly. To do this, it is necessary to glue the first row of the craft from the upper part of the wing with even smaller feathers (overlapping). The third and fourth rows of feathers are formed in the same way. After, it is necessary to take the upper edge of the product and overlap three feathers of the smallest sizes to fill the void. We also fill the remaining voids with the middle elements. Thus, our wing has been formed! An identical pattern is used to create the next side of the product (the opposite one), but here the feathers should face the other way.Postcards for lovers - the best options for postcards. Photo №6Then, you need to glue each halfwinged heart to the flap of the product so that the middle coincides on the line of contact of the two flaps of the future quilling postcard. Also, it is desirable to make some bright edging. Red color will do and, accordingly, the necessary stripes for quilling in this color combination. For the inner part of the postcard, we make a special inscription in the form of congratulations or other words. That's all! our simple work on assembling this postcard is completely finished.

