A postcard to my son, made by myself. Suitable ideas and photos of postcards.
Every mother is preparing to congratulate her child.in the most thorough way. Moreover, the holiday itself does not matter, however, as well as the age of your beloved child. Let's assume that your son is already older than sixteen and has certain needs for purchases, but you do not understand these things at all. When deciding what to give him, you stop at a certain amount so that he can decide on the choice of purchase himself. But simply giving money into his hands is somehow banal and not at all festive, so we suggest that you make a small and cute souvenir with your caring hands. Two in one - a postcard with congratulations to your son in which you can put banknotes.There is nothing easier than making such a card.For the base, select a sheet of colored cardboard, colored paper of light pink or flesh color, and colored paper with two types of patterns. Perhaps this will be gift wrapping paper, or you will find another option. You will also need a small piece of thick thread or thin ribbon, here you can also use what you have on hand. So, let's get to work. Take a base of colored cardboard. Cut out a rectangle from one type of colored paper with a pattern, which will serve as a pocket for money, so you can roughly orient yourself with its size. Now glue the pocket on the sides and bottom. Next, we need to cut out a hand from pink or flesh-colored paper so that we get a solid palm and a separate thumb (something like a mitten). Glue the upper part of the hand on top of the card. Do not glue the palm and thumb themselves. You need to put a string or ribbon in this palm as if it holds the strap of the bag, which we will end up with on the postcard. Glue the bottom of the palm when the strap is in it. Glue the lower hanging parts of the rope or ribbon to the pocket on the sides, so that it looks like a bag in your hand. Then take another colored paper and, having cut out several pieces, put them in the pocket for beauty, put the money there too. They should stick out of the bag. The postcard is ready. You can put a letter with your wishes in the same pocket.
Basically, after looking at the photos of the postcardsother inventors, you can choose other plots for such cards, or you can come up with something unusual yourself. In such a card, the son will be able to continue to keep money or save the necessary amount for the next purchase.