Carpet technique needle and crochet embroidery (video)

Carpet technique needle and crochet embroidery (video)


Today, carpet weaving technology is experiencing a revivalunprecedented speed. Carpet embroidery owes its rapid growth in popularity to the increased demand for hand-made products in our time. And this is not surprising at all, because skillfully executed carpet embroidery, embodied in an original floor rug or fluffy sofa cushion, will decorate the interior, give it home comfort and individuality.
Carpet technology does not require specialequipment or some long-term training. Master class, video, drawings and patterns for carpet embroidery, recommendations will help you quickly master this amazing technique. For beginners, it is better to take a ready-made kit, which has everything you need for embroidery. To make a small rug with your own hands, you can use embroidery in the carpet technique, but you can create not only a rug, but also pillows, bags and other products.
Let's take a closer look at what this carpet embroidery technique is.

Carpet Technology: Basic Types

There are two main types of embroidery in carpet technique:

  • Loop. This is embroidery by carpet technique using a special needle for carpet weaving, when a pattern is created from a number of loops on the basis of the chosen scheme. As a basis for carpet embroidery a thick cloth is used. This technique is still called "non-woven tapestry";
  • Nodular. Here we use a special hook for carpet technology. As a basis for napkin carpet embroidery is used vinyl canvas. On the entanglements of the base knots of short strings are knotted, hence the name of the technique.

Now for each kind of carpet technique in more detail.

Carpet technique: stitch embroidery

This technique of embroidering carpets was also used by our grandmothers. Huge carpets were embroidered on cold winter evenings. Then this technique was left a little forgotten, and now it comes back to life.
To work you will need:

  • Dense fabric;
  • yarn. Any yarn will do, but it all depends on what drawings will be chosen. It is advisable to take a yarn of the same thickness and structure;
  • Special needle for carpet embroidery;
  • A pencil for drawing a picture on a fabric;
  • scissors.

Selection and drawing of drawings Figures or diagrams forEmbroidery in carpet technology you can choose any that you like. Carpet embroidery will be carried out from the wrong side, so we will apply the contours of the picture to it.
The fabric is not stretched too much on the hoop, which is desirable to choose such a size that it is possible to see the entire pattern. After the fabric is stretched, the pattern can be applied.
A special needle is the main working tool

Carpet weaving technique using the pulling methodinvolves using a special needle for carpet embroidery. Its tip is cut at an angle, and inside the needle and handle there is a hole where the thread will be pulled through. The cut side will be the front side of the needle, and the straight side, which has an eye for the thread, will be the back.
For beginners it is better to use automaticneedle, where the length of the needle is adjusted and, accordingly, the loops will be the same. As a rule, the set includes three replacement needles to easily match different yarn thicknesses.
During carpet embroidery the needle is held strictlyfront or side in the direction of embroidery. But the direction of the embroidery itself has absolutely no significance, the main thing is that the direction of the needle movement is in the direction of the stitches.
How to begin carpet embroidery After pulling the fabric on the hoop and drawing the pattern on the chosen scheme, we proceed to embroidering.

It is very important to keep the needle perpendicular to the fabric. The thread that comes out of the top hole in the needle handle should follow your hand so that it does not get tangled and create knots.
After watching the video with the master class, you can understand exactly how to thread the needle through the fabric.
After this, the needle is carefully lifted abovesurface of the fabric until its tip comes to the surface. We retreat from the already finished stitch literally a couple of millimeters and thread the needle into the fabric again. Here it is important to strictly follow the selected pattern and monitor the position of the needle (strictly perpendicular).
After 5-6 stitches, the protruding end of the thread, from which the work began, can be carefully cut off so that it does not interfere. But this must be done very carefully, otherwise the entire embroidery will simply unravel.
As you work, stitches will form on the side where the carpet embroidery is done (the back side), and loops will form on the front side, which will create the pattern.
When the thread has run out or the color needs to be changed The thread ends, and the end of the needle has already disappeared. In this case it is necessary to proceed as follows:

  • Make a few more stitches, then pull the thread from the needle, tightly pressing the last stitch with a finger;
  • We cut the thread very close to the fabric, but so that the stitch does not bloom;
  • Fix the tip of the thread with textile glue.

If you need to go to another section of the embroidery, even walking alongside, you do not need to make a big stitch. Crop the thread and start a new area first.
Filling in the areas of the drawing
It is best to start embroidery with large elements, then move on to small details and other elements of carpet coloring with threads.
We choose one element and embroider it first.outline with a needle stitch by stitch, and then we begin to gradually fill the entire area, like coloring. For this, you can use a circular direction of movement, or you can go in lines, you can also combine the technique of making stitches. In the video master class, you can consider the embroidery process in more detail.
When embroidering straight lines with a needle, you need to go through two rows of stitches to make the line more even and clear.
As you can see, embroidery using this carpet techniqueusing a special needle, does not contain any difficulties at all. To avoid difficulties during embroidery, take into account some recommendations:

  • there is no need to make stitches very close to each other. If you have an unfilled area, you can always go back to it and make a few stitches;
  • To ensure clarity at the border of two colors, you need to start stitching the inside of the lines of the printed circuit;
  • When changing the direction of embroidery, the needle should be in the fabric. Cloth with a stuck needle to turn and you can continue to embroider;
  • If somehow the nodules are formed on the filament, this will cause the loops to pop out of the fabric. Therefore, it is very important to prevent their education;
  • Sometimes it is necessary to control the front side, so thatSee exactly or not looping loops. Do not be scared and immediately rework the first loops, which are very far from ideal. The general picture can be understood when one element is filled, i.e. The loops will lie close to each other;
  • If you need to remake a certain number of loops, you just need to pull the thread until the "unsuccessful" stitches unfold. If there are many creases on the elongated thread, it is better to replace it with a new one;
  • From the choice of fabric depends on the needle for carpet technology. It should be remembered, the thicker the needle is selected, the warmer the fabric needs to be taken. With the wrong selection on the tissue will be obtained holes.

The final stage That's all, our carpet embroidery is ready, it remains only to put it in order.
Add a little shampoo to warm water and rinse the finished work in it. Strong detergents can have a negative effect on the threads.
After this, lay the product out on a flat surface and leave it until completely dry.
If the fabric creases from the hoop during work, it is necessary to smooth it out a little with a slightly heated iron from the wrong side of the work.

Video: Carpet Needlepoint Embroidery Technique

Knotted embroidery in carpet technique – master class

Now on sale there are whole sets forEmbroidery in carpet technique. This set is suitable for beginners, and will also be just a great gift for those who are fond of needlework. Sets for carpet technology allow you to make an original rug, tapestry or pillow with your own hands. As a rule, the kits already include:

  • Base fabric,
  • Cut lengths of yarn of the required length, sorted by color;
  • Special hook (but not always);
  • Figure-scheme.

It remains only to start embroidery as soon as possible.

But such sets have one drawback -high cost. You can save money by buying canvas and yarn separately. In this case, you will need to do some preparatory work (cutting and selecting yarn colors, choosing and applying a pattern to the base). Of course, this will take some time, but it is not that difficult. Which method to choose is entirely up to you, just like the result will depend only on your imagination and diligence.
To work you will need:

  • a ready-made carpet embroidery kit or canvas with a large cell or stramin;
  • Remnants of yarn. Even the smallest glomeruli are suitable here. The yarn will need to be cut into strips up to 10 cm long, depending on what one wants to get the length of the nap;
  • Hook for carpet embroidery. It's also possible to use an ordinary hook, but it's not very convenient. The hook used in carpet technique has a special shape that simplifies the process of tying a knot from a thread, after it is stretched through the canvas;
  • Embroidery scheme. Here it will be possible to use absolutely any scheme for cross-stitching, while the carpet canvas cell should be equated to the usual canal cell. Counting the number of cells, it should be noted that at the edges you need to leave a couple of centimeters for processing.

Preparation for embroidery
First of all, choose a drawing you like, or you can come up with one yourself. It is desirable that the scheme does not contain too small elements, because they will be practically invisible.
As a basis for embroidery you need to takea special mesh called stramin. It is sold in both handicraft and construction stores. Stramin is a thick canvas with large cells, which is widely used for making tapestry (you can see what it looks like in the video).
We divide the base into squares with sides of 10 by 10 cells.
The main tool for embroidery in the carpet knotting technique is a special curved hook, which can also be purchased in stores with handicrafts.
The yarn needs to be cut into pieces from 3 to 10 cm,depending on what kind of pile the future rug should have. You can use absolutely any yarn. The best option is acrylic yarn of medium thread thickness.
Operating procedure
The work will be done on the back side of the work, on which the scheme is applied. Before starting work, watch the video.
Let's get to work:

  • We take one piece of the thread, fold it in half, and this loop with a special hook stretch through the net;
  • Both ends of the threads are held with a finger, and then grab them with a hook and pull them through the loop;

  • tighten the loop tightly so that it is firmly held on the base;
  • Step by step we fill all the cells, selecting the segments of the thread of the required color in accordance with the chosen scheme;
  • In the course of work, we process the edges of the product. They need to be bent on the wrong side and included in the work. Or you can simply cover the carpet with a seam over the edge;
  • After the end of work, turn the product over to the front side and cut the uneven ends of the thread with scissors.

As a result, you will get a wonderful fluffy rug that can not be distinguished from the purchased Persian carpet. The shape and size can be chosen absolutely any.

Video: Master class on carpet embroidery

Other ways of embroidering in carpet technique

Carpet cross stitchIn addition to these basic carpet techniques, a carpet can be simply embroidered, just like tablecloths, shirts, towels, napkins, tapestries are embroidered.
Important points:

  • For embroidery in carpet technology, special cannulae are used, which are blunt at the tip and have a large eyelet;
  • The thickness of the needle should correspond to the thickness of the thread;
  • Threads for carpet technology can be the most diverse in thickness and characteristics: wool, silk, acrylic, etc;
  • The main rule when selecting threads: they must lie flat, filling the background;
  • The thread tension during embroidery should be uniform.
  • Basic seams of carpet embroidery

    Cross stitch
    The "elongated cross" stitch
    The "half-cross" stitch Perhaps the most famous stitch is the "cross". By the way, this stitch is the basis for other stitches in carpet technique.
    First, you need to make an even row of stitches from left to right, like half a cross stitch. The second half of the cross stitch will be made in the opposite direction in a similar way.
    The next type of carpet stitch is the “cross stitch”"extended". Pass the working thread at an angle through one vertical and two horizontal threads of the canvas. The order of work, in this case, is as follows: the working thread is laid in the direction of the seam from right to left, then it is covered in the specified manner with stitches in the direction from left to right, and after that there is a second row of stitches, but in the opposite direction.
    When making a half cross stitch, you need to choosethe working thread is slightly thinner than the warp thread. The working thread is passed horizontally from right to left, and then stitches are laid over it in the opposite direction.

    Tapestry bias stitch (first method)
    Tapestry bias stitch (second method)
    Extended Tapestry Stitch "Tapestry Stitch" can be done in different ways:

    • The oblique stitch is made through two strands of the canvas in width, and one in height that passes between the other two horizontal threads, but not overlapping them;
    • Stitches are laid obliquely through one vertical and one horizontal thread of the canvas, overlapping the first.

    By the way, it is the tapestry seam in various designs that is very similar to the old carpet embroidery.
    A little tip:When sewing in tapestry stitch on a hoop, the thread needs to be transferred to the front side from the back. And if you embroider without using a hoop, the work needs to be turned over when each row ends, and the needle needs to be brought out behind the last stitch.
    To make the "oblique and extended tapestry stitch", you need to act in the same way as when embroidering a regular one, but take three threads vertically.
    Just a little effort and patience is neededapply to create a soft and fluffy rug yourself, using the carpet technique. Such an exclusive product will be a wonderful gift for loved ones or will delight you for many years. In addition, the carpet embroidery technique makes it possible to get rid of a huge amount of yarn scraps, which are probably stored in the bins of every needlewoman without use.
    Use your imagination to the fullest, and then you will get a unique masterpiece created with your own hands.

    Video: tapestry stitch embroidery

