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Category:March 8

March 8

Handy by March 8 with your own hands as a gift.

Handy by March 8 with your own hands as a gift.

We all want this wonderful women's dayday, everyone was happy and with gifts. So we decided to make simple but cute gifts for March 8 for grandmothers (or mom, aunt, girlfriend) with our own hands. From the materials, for the DIY craft "Rowan twig", we only need plasticine and a lid (we have one from a mayonnaise jar). For the craft, take our lid and yellow plasticine. Next, start spreading it over the lid with your finger. Take green plasticine and twist three thin sausages (one large and…

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Spring is children's crafts. Spring crafts by March 8, at Easter.

Spring is children's crafts. Spring crafts by March 8, at Easter.

Many children and adults are looking forward to itthe arrival of spring, when the cold weather and grey winter days are gone. They are replaced by warmth, nature wakes up, as do the first birds singing outside the window. The air smells of spring flowers, and everyone's mood noticeably improves. And, of course, we never stop creating with our children and making various crafts. Our regular readers and wonderful craftswomen also often send photos of their crafts: Spring theme in handmade jewelry from Anna Lipetskaya: Natalia Vassokh. When spring comes...

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Gift for March 8 from the child. Crafts for mom and grandmother own hands.

Gift for March 8 from the child. Crafts for mom and grandmother own hands.

Soon it will be my favorite holiday, InternationalWomen's Day is March 8. Many mothers and their children make gifts for grandmothers and other women with their own hands, so I want to offer you a master class on children's crafts - flowers from an egg box. This is a very simple but beautiful craft that any child can handle with a little help from you. First, take the box and cut it into pieces - cells. From each cell, you need to cut out flowers as follows (for one flower, you need two cells: one -…

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Gifts for March 8 with their own hands. Children's hand-made articles for women's day.

Gifts for March 8 with their own hands. Children's hand-made articles for women's day.

The most anticipated holiday for all women - 8March, we wait for flowers and surprises from our loved ones. We also make gifts for mom or grandma with our own hands, create creative masterpieces, ourselves or with our children. Mosaic is a gift for any occasion. It can be made from any available material, from eggshells to scraps of an old suede skirt with rhinestones. You can put the mosaic together and glue it not only on cardboard, but also on glass (or on a vase/plate/cup), even decorate your own tablet or case…

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A gift to my mother and grandmother with my own hands. Ideas for a birthday, March 8.

A gift to my mother and grandmother with my own hands. Ideas for a birthday, March 8.

I really like making different crafts with my own hands.hands, so I always try to make any gift to my mother or grandmother beautiful and memorable, be it a gift for a birthday, March 8 or some other holiday. Today I just want to write about this topic and show you some gift ideas. For a mother or grandmother who loves to read books, you can make photo bookmarks that will always remind them of you, wherever you are. I present to your attention a small master class: We will need photographs (yours or yours…

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How to make flowers with your own hands. TOP 15 ideas.

How to make flowers with your own hands. TOP 15 ideas.

DIY flowers, or rather ideas on how to make themfrom paper, ribbons and other materials at hand - are especially popular on the Internet among needlewomen. I would also like to share with you my favorite collected photos - ideas in one article. The most delicate floral decoration for your table, romantic breakfast (or dinner, if you change the color of the paper for the craft). Quilling flowers - will make any picture or postcard especially bright and lively. Volumetric large flowers for the wall in the children's room. DIY flowers for

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Crafts for Mother's Day. Gifts made by children's hands.

Crafts for Mother's Day. Gifts made by children's hands.

Crafts made by children's hands, andpresented to the mother is already a gift, regardless of whether it is a holiday or an ordinary day, any mother is very happy when her children do something for her. I know from my own experience how nice it is when your child tries, is passionate about creativity, makes something interesting - from paper, plasticine or from something else, especially if he does it for you. When the time comes to celebrate Mother's Day (as well as March 8), many children do different things in kindergartens or under the guidance of their dad/grandmother...

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Quilling is a master class. Pictures and postcards by own hands

Quilling is a master class. Pictures and postcards by own hands

Today I plan to share with myreaders with new ideas for creating paintings and postcards using the quilling technique, I will show one master class - how to make such beauty with your own hands. Quilling has recently become the favorite type of creativity for many needlewomen. With the help of quilling, you can decorate albums, notebooks, and even the walls in your home. I really like the works made in this technique, they look very neat, elegant, and tell us how hard the artist worked. To create such real...

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Crafts for March 8 in the kindergarten. Flowers with their own hands.

Crafts for March 8 in the kindergarten. Flowers with their own hands.

This is a continuation of the article crafts on the InternationalWomen's Day, March 8, DIY. Children in kindergarten can make such crafts - flowers - to give to their mother or grandmother for a holiday, a birthday, or just as a gift for no reason. We will need: Colored paper Scissors Glue Paints and brushes Pen, pencil Tubes or wooden sticks The first variation of the gift is my favorite: "A postcard with wishes", but it is suitable for children who can write. Alternatively, the kindergarten teacher can write the wishes herself, and the children will...

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How to make a gift to mom with their own hands. Ideas for crafts for mother's day.

How to make a gift to mom with their own hands. Ideas for crafts for mother's day.

I would like to share with you some ideas - howmake a gift for mom with your own hands for her birthday, Mother's Day, March 8 or any other holiday. Of course, we would like everyone to remember their mothers and make them happy, beloved and precious, not only on holidays. You can give your mom a gift at least every day. No matter how old we are, mothers love us with all their hearts and souls, and, undoubtedly, they will be very pleased to receive from us a craft - a gift made with their own hands -

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