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Category:Acrylic painting

Acrylic painting

How to make acrylic painting of nails: Step-by-step instruction, algorithm and materials

How to make acrylic painting of nails: Step-by-step instruction, algorithm and materials

Acrylic paints, since their inception, have becomethe most popular paints of all types. They are used to paint pictures, paint stained glass windows, outline wood, decorate fabrics and clothes. In this article, we will discover a new use for acrylic paints for you. We will teach you how to paint your nails with acrylic painting, and we will do it at home. Yes, it is true, in order to have a gorgeous acrylic manicure, it is not at all necessary to go to a salon, where the masters will do everything for you with an airbrush. Recently, acrylic nail painting has become the most popular…

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