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Category:Bakery products

Bakery products

Multikuhnya - a universal solution for a summer residence and a city

Multikuhnya - a universal solution for a summer residence and a city

The beginning of the summer cottage season is just around the corner, and loversof country life ask themselves what to eat at the dacha? Semi-finished products are expensive and, besides, not always healthy. And if growing your own vegetables and fruits is not a problem for a gardener, then you will have to go to the store for tiles. How not to miscalculate when choosing kitchen appliances for the dacha? The answer was found by the company REDMOND - the RMC-M230 multi-kitchen! The multi-kitchen is a new generation programmable stove! 1. Masterfry® - heating element lifting technology The multi-kitchen is equipped with a lifting heating element, which turns…

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Multicooker REDMOND RMC-02 – best helper for the whole family

Multicooker REDMOND RMC-02 – best helper for the whole family

The RMC-02 multicooker was developed by the brand's engineersspecially for preparing food for children from the very first days. The multicooker can sterilize baby dishes, bottles and nipples, pasteurize food, heat up nutritional mixtures. And in the 1.6-liter bowl, you can automatically, without constant monitoring, cook milk porridge, vegetable and fruit puree, pureed meat soups and other dishes. Who needs a multicooker? - For women during pregnancy and nursing mothers An expectant or young mother should pay special attention to her diet, because what...

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