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Category: Brooches made of polymer clay

Brooches made of polymer clay

How to make your own a brooch made of polymer clay as a barrette for a tippet, detailed photos and description

How to make your own a brooch made of polymer clay as a barrette for a tippet, detailed photos and description

Recently, fashion for decorating hand-madeadds more and more fans to its ranks. Who needs boring and monotonous jewelry from the store, when you can make a real masterpiece in one, unique and exclusive version. In this article we will tell you how to make a brooch-pin for a stole made from polymer clay. The modern version of the word "brooch" came from the French "broche", which translates as "a long needle". The brooch was also used by primitive people. They fixed their first capes from the animal skins of various plants with spines, clinging to ...

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How to make a brooch made of polymer clay "Four-leaf clover", step-by-step photos and job description

How to make a brooch made of polymer clay "Four-leaf clover", step-by-step photos and job description

Decorate themselves with women began from the moment,when they first saw their reflection on the mirror-like surface of the water, that is, very, very long time ago. Accessories they created from beautiful pebbles, pieces of shells and bone, fangs and claws of animals. All these natural elements perfectly suited for the very first adaptations, which served as hairpins on raincoats and cloaks - prototypes of brooches. Now in the shops you can find this wonderful accessory for almost every taste. But for those who want to always be in a trendy trend, look stylish ...

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How to make a brooch made of polymer clay in the direction of ceramic floristics, step-by-step photos of creating a brooch "Gentle orchid"

How to make a brooch made of polymer clay in the direction of ceramic floristics, step-by-step photos of creating a brooch "Gentle orchid"

Jewelry plays a very important role in our life. Even the ancient people hung beautiful stones, fangs and claws of animals, shells and pieces of bone. They believed that it would bring good luck, protect them from adversity and misfortune. Another important role of jewelry is social. Men wore parts of the animals they killed, as a sign of belonging to hunters and warriors, their shamans and leaders had their decorations. Of course, we should not forget about the practical aspect. One of the earliest decorations that brought more ...

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How to make a brooch made of polymer clay, lessons of ceramic floristics, step-by-step photos of creating a brooch "Autumn Aster"

How to make a brooch made of polymer clay, lessons of ceramic floristics, step-by-step photos of creating a brooch "Autumn Aster"

In this article we will do with you a brooch frompolymer clay. These accessories have appeared one of the very first. As soon as the ancient man threw a skin on his shoulders, defending himself against the cold, he needed this cloak to make something. As a brooch, fangs and bones of animals or plants with spines were used. With the appearance of metal in humans, brooches have acquired the appearance of hairpins - fibulae and buckles - agrafs. They not only fastened their clothes. Brooches in the Middle Ages served as an indicator of status, wealth and high ...

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How to make a brooch in the form of a Christmas tree made of polymer clay - a lesson and a master class

How to make a brooch in the form of a Christmas tree made of polymer clay - a lesson and a master class

What kind of person does not like gifts? During the New Year holidays, each of us wants to be involved in the triumph of magic and be one part with great magic that revolves around us. Using modern methods of needlework, we can also give warmth and joy to people close to us, this is not so difficult, especially if we have the necessary techniques and methods of work in the field of needlework. Modern solutions can help us in the realization of our skills. How to make a brooch in the form of a Christmas tree made of polymer clay ...

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How to make a brooch made of polymer clay in the technique of knitting imitation, step-by-step photos of creating a brooch in the form of a heart with a button

How to make a brooch made of polymer clay in the technique of knitting imitation, step-by-step photos of creating a brooch in the form of a heart with a button

Recently, fashion trends are increasinglyLook at the hand-made decorations. Original and original, hand-made gizmos easily and naturally enter the hearts of women of fashion. Of course, they will not compare with jewelry cold and indifferent to your beauty. Decorations hand-made warmly emphasize the dignity, inherent only to you. They are for those who are not afraid to demonstrate originality and artistic taste. In this article, we will also work with polymer clay. It is a remarkable material with excellent plasticity and a variety of colors and shades. Do…

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How to make a brooch made of polymer clay in the form of an oak leaf, step-by-step photos and job description

How to make a brooch made of polymer clay in the form of an oak leaf, step-by-step photos and job description

In this article we will make a brooch made of polymerclay in the form of an oak leaf. About this tree there are many legends and legends. The ancient Slavs considered the oak tree Perun - the main of the host of deities. There were special conspiracies and rituals in which oaks helped people. So, for example, if the kids could not fall asleep, moms turned to the branches of an oak tree. The branches with acorns had male names, the branches without acorns had females. If it was necessary to help the girl, then the name of the male branch was called in the conspiracy ...

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