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Category: Knit Cap Trumpet Knitting Needles

Knit Cap Trumpet Knitting Needles

Knitted with a knitting hat-trumpet with a pattern of braids. Detailed diagram with photo and description for beginners

Knitted with a knitting hat-trumpet with a pattern of braids. Detailed diagram with photo and description for beginners

For those who can not pick up their headyou should pay attention to the cap-pipe, it is also called snud. This model of the headdress will suit everyone without exception. Girls choose this model, so as not to spoil your hair with your usual hat. The cap-trumpet looks like a scarf or hood that is worn on the head, covering the neck, or on the shoulders. This style of caps can be of different width and length. Such a shape, created on the spokes with their own hands, is worn by all women, men, children. The needlewomen believe that snud ...

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The knitting pattern of the pipe hats with knitting needles. Detailed description with photo for beginners

The knitting pattern of the pipe hats with knitting needles. Detailed description with photo for beginners

The trumpet cap appeared in the early twentieth century, during theher existence, she periodically gained her popularity then lost it. Today, the pipe cap is a fairly popular accessory for the autumn-winter season. On the streets of the city you can see a lot of women of fashion who drape it into scarves or snuff, or wear as a headdress. Yes, this is a multifunctional item, and one more of its undeniable advantages is that it is easy to tie a pipe to a pipe in one evening! It is knit easily enough. You can use thick yarn for knitting. Proper wearing of the pipe cap ...

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