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Category:Children 1-2

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Crafts from bottles. Rattle and developing toy with their own hands.

Crafts from bottles. Rattle and developing toy with their own hands.

Little children grow up so fast and often theygrow out of their own rattles and want to play with things they see at home, like bottles. But nevertheless, kids never stop liking everything bright and ringing, and I want to offer you an idea - how to make a developmental rattle with your own hands for children. Sensory toys from bottles for our children are very easy to make. Small children really love unusual games with ordinary objects)) If you add imagination, you can make a sea in a bottle))

A rod with a magnet with his own hands. GAME: we catch fish with children

A rod with a magnet with his own hands. GAME: we catch fish with children

This homemade fishing rod toy with a magnet is made by yourself.with your hands will undoubtedly be very popular with children, especially boys! It's so great to imagine yourself in a new role and feel like a real fisherman with a fishing rod! You can prepare in advance and make different fish, and tell your child about the rich underwater world. During the game, the child will remember many new fish, so this fun game will also be very educational and developing! A do-it-yourself fisherman's kit is very easy to make, the child can participate in the process of making the fish necessary for our game!

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Games for the development of small motor skills in children.

Games for the development of small motor skills in children.

Almost all mothers know what benefits it has for their children.carries the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Fine motor skills are closely related to the development of the nervous system, thinking, speech, vision. It begins to manifest itself already from birth, the child looks at his hands, then tries to control their movements and manage them. The first thing a child learns to do is to hold toys, take a spoon with food and bring it to his mouth, then he learns to hold a pencil and draw with it. The beginning of development is that already from the second week of the baby's life we ​​will...

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Games and hand-made articles from plastic bottle caps.

Games and hand-made articles from plastic bottle caps.

Many parents notice that our children do notalways like expensive fancy toys, they will play with them for a while and then throw them away somewhere. So I would like to suggest that you save up more bottle caps and give them to your children. Believe me, your child will be incredibly happy about this! This is a fantastic opportunity for kids to show their creativity, find unusual uses for such caps, and work their imagination. Ordinary toys do not allow a child to fantasize, because the plot of such games is limited by their creator. But a child can create from caps himself, build something,…

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Dominoes for children with their own hands. Learn color.

Dominoes for children with their own hands. Learn color.

This is a very useful and exciting game forchildren from 2 years old. It is much easier for children to remember new words, objects, colors if you present them with information in a playful way. Today we will make simple dominoes for kids from ice cream sticks. We only need to color our sticks - half of the stick is one color, half - another. And a wonderful educational game for children is ready! Explain to your child the rules of the domino game. Perhaps he will not be occupied with the game you proposed for long and will then begin to experiment and...

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Finger games for children 2 years.

Finger games for children 2 years.

Finger games are one of the most useful activitiesfor the full development of a 2-year-old child. In addition to the benefits, finger games carry a kind of "physical education minute" when it is necessary to switch the child from one type of activity to another, distract the baby in the car/train, in line at the doctor's, and just quietly have fun with mom, tired after housework. As for the direct benefits for development, science has proven the connection between the development of fine motor skills and the ability to speak and pronounce words correctly (oral speech), write beautifully in the future, also...

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The sea in the bottle. Children's crafts.

The sea in the bottle. Children's crafts.

Crafts with a sea theme are always popular with children.Our craft today is a very funny toy from a plastic bottle for small children and an interesting experiment of mixing different liquids for older children. We will need a plastic bottle, oil, water, pebbles, shells, beads. We mixed paints with water, added fish and other "decorations" to the water. Now we pour oil into the bottle. Another idea for games with bottles and various inserts.

Puppet theater with their own hands. Paper toys on the finger.

Puppet theater with their own hands. Paper toys on the finger.

Bringing toys to life in theatrical performancesperformances are a very useful and exciting process that develops the thinking, imagination and creativity of our children. You can make animals using our templates, but you can also draw and cut out others, for example, fairy-tale characters, or come up with your own fairy tale with your children! Or make dolls out of threads! Download animal templates: farm (hare, mouse, cat, pig, horse): farm template colored snakes: snake template colored snakes black and white: snake template b&w birds: bird template See how to make a finger puppet: Print the template. Assemble the animals as shown in the photo: Snakes:…

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