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Category:Children 6-7

Children 6-7

Weaving from beads. Schemes of bracelets and other ornaments.

Weaving from beads. Schemes of bracelets and other ornaments.

Bead weaving.Patterns for bracelets and other jewelry. It is not difficult to make bracelets and beads from beads. You just need to find some free time for this, show your imagination and a beautiful homemade bracelet will please you for a long time and will become a bright original addition to your image. What color scheme you will weave your jewelry from beads depends only on your preferences and color combinations in your image. I want to offer you several different patterns for weaving very beautiful, in my opinion, necklaces and bracelets. You can make...

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Autumn crafts made of paper, Origami

Autumn crafts made of paper, Origami

We have been living in Thailand for more than six months now, andUnfortunately, there is no autumn here, no yellow maple leaves and everything that distinguishes this time of year, for example, from summer… I remember how during our walks my son did nothing but run with great pleasure and joy on the fallen rustling leaves and jump on huge leaf piles (may the poor janitors sweeping the roads forgive us..). The autumn that came to our distant Russia became for my son and me a reason to learn how to make herbariums using the origami technique. So as not to forget that…

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Dolls from threads with their own hands + scheme.

Dolls from threads with their own hands + scheme.

Many mothers who are needlewomen prefermake toys and dolls for children with your own hands. One of our subscribers, Anastasia Mikhailova from Moscow, shared with us photos of her craft for a child - a doll made of threads with her own hands. I suggest you look at an example of a homemade toy that you and your children can easily make. Anastasia used for this doll: twine, floss, ribbons and fabric for clothes. Agree, you will not have to use anything expensive or complicated to make such a beautiful doll! The most important thing is that…

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Quilling cock with your own hands.

Quilling cock with your own hands.

Quilling.We will talk about one of the main methods of this art. The figure of a rooster, as a symbol of the new beginning of 2017, will help us depict it. I would advise you to depict the symbol of the bird itself on a sheet of white paper and print it out. We will work with stripes, so you will also need paper stripes of red, yellow and orange, the first colors of the rainbow, bright colors that give volume, which the rooster basically has. Let's start working on quilling - a DIY craft - with the tail. Glue the stripes in such a way

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How to make a flower from beads. Weaving for beginners.

How to make a flower from beads. Weaving for beginners.

Beaded crafts have always been relevant andsuch things look very beautiful, I think that you can even use such things as a gift for your mother, grandmother, especially if these are some wonderful flowers. Today I want to show you how easy it is to weave a flower from beads with your own hands. Look at two options for making petals: 1. Take a fishing line. First, string three beads, thread two ends of the wire through two of them, as shown in the photo. Then thread both ends through three beads, then through four and five. Then…

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A palm made of beads.

A palm made of beads.

Today's master class is dedicated to weaving a palm treefrom beads. Probably everyone had at least one lesson on bead weaving in their school labor classes. I had such a lesson, but, unfortunately, we were taught only the basics. And many years later, I decided to return to that lesson again and learn how to weave various interesting crafts with my own hands, and it turned out that it is not so difficult! PALM FROM BEADS (banana tree): We will need: - beads No. 10: green, yellow, brown (I used -

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Frame for photography with your own hands made of cardboard.

Frame for photography with your own hands made of cardboard.

A very easy to make craft made from cardboardDIY. Making a photo frame. We will need: Corrugated cardboard Paper for decoration of your choice Beads, buttons, shells or rhinestones for decoration Scissors Knife Glue Pencil How to do it: Cut out the front and back parts for our frame: Measure out how much paper we will need to decorate the frame, and cut it off with some extra to fold it inward: Glue the front part of the frame and apply the prepared paper to it. Let the glue dry. Glue the second part of the frame to the back, but only with...

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