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Category:Kanzashi Alina Bologana

Kanzashi Alina Bologana

How to make a snowflake Kanzashi for the New Year 2016, snowflake Kanzashi own hands from Alina Boloban.

How to make a snowflake Kanzashi for the New Year 2016, snowflake Kanzashi own hands from Alina Boloban.

New Year is coming very soon, and if you are readingthis article, then you decided to find interesting ideas for a festive interior of your apartment or house. Most often, when talking about such decorations, they mean Christmas tree balls, garlands or toys made of the material that is at hand. Despite the fact that snowflakes are also classic New Year's decorations, we offer you a detailed lesson on creating snowflakes in the kanzashi style. Therefore, if you want your home to be decorated with original products, this…

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