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Category:Crochet Flower Lessons

Crochet Flower Lessons

How to knit crochet flowers, tips and master classes with a photo.

How to knit crochet flowers, tips and master classes with a photo.

If you have decided to learn how to crochet, thenA flower is a great option for training. A small product is easy to knit, a successful result will undoubtedly please you, and you will want to try to create more and more wonderful products from "magic loops". Flowers are a wonderful gift of nature. They have entered the life of mankind since the very beginning of its existence. At first, flowers were not so much decoration as they served for rituals and religious ceremonies. Many deities of ancient pantheons had flowers dedicated only to them, beautiful roses, capricious lotuses. Our ancestors believed...

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The master class will teach you how to make your own hair elastic band with a crocheted flower

The master class will teach you how to make your own hair elastic band with a crocheted flower

A hair elastic is the most essentialaccessory for every girl. The choice is huge now, but I suggest you make it yourself from any threads and colors. Things made with your own hands are worn with love and pleasure. We will need: knitting threads; threads in the same color for sewing; a white elastic band for hair; beads; a hook; a needle. We collect a chain of 72 air loops. This will be our first, initial row. Now we count 4 air loops and insert the hook into the 5th, knit a double crochet. *Count 2…

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This master class crochet with a detailed description will teach you how to knit crochet flowers

This master class crochet with a detailed description will teach you how to knit crochet flowers

The beads in our flower are not sewn on, like thisusually happens, and are knitted into the flower itself with the same thread with which the whole flower was knitted. Even the smallest child will not be able to tear off and swallow such beads. Therefore, you can be calm about the health of your baby! For the flower we will need: yarn for knitting; beads, so that 21 pieces can be strung on a thread; hook; First, you need to string the beads on the working thread. Our flower has five petals and each of them is decorated with four beads. It turns out,…

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