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Category:Quilling lessons

Quilling lessons

How to make quilling sunflower panels: lessons and notes for beginners

How to make quilling sunflower panels: lessons and notes for beginners

Quilling lesson sunflower panel Summer is alreadyhas arrived, which means it's time to make crafts that will fully match the general atmosphere, can decorate our dacha or simply become a great gift for those born in the summer. Making a sunflower using quilling is not too difficult if you know what materials you will have to work with and what techniques to use. Our article will tell you how to decorate sunflowers using quilling yourself! To begin with, we will need specialized materials that will help in the work. So: Yellow stripes for quilling Black…

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DIY New Year's angel using a special quilling technique – Master Class

DIY New Year's angel using a special quilling technique – Master Class

Various kinds of unique crafts in technologyquilling attracts the attention of children and adults all over the world. Especially, during the period of preparation for the Christmas holidays, when each of us needs to come up with and master our own lessons, as well as methods for working with quilling techniques. New Year's angel in a special quilling technique with your own hands - master class A special set of possibilities, which is offered in the unique quilling technology, gives us the opportunity to develop and create real crafts that will remain in memory for a long time and leave a pleasant trace.

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This detailed master class contains a quilling lesson for beginners and will teach you how to make yourself a quilling ballerina.

This detailed master class contains a quilling lesson for beginners and will teach you how to make yourself a quilling ballerina.

To create a quilling ballerina for beginners we need:You will need: - paper for working in the quilling technique of gray, blue and pink colors; - a quilling stick (a tool for twisting); - PVA glue; - scissors; - a ruler; - rhinestones. So, the ballerina's head is a tightly twisted roll of two gray strips glued together. The neck of our figurine is a 10 cm gray strip glued as in the pictures. Glue the head and neck together. Now we move on to the arms. They are made of gray paper. Two strips need to be glued -

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Quilling Christmas card in the shape of a wreath for the New Year – Master Class

Quilling Christmas card in the shape of a wreath for the New Year – Master Class

New Year's crafts lift the spiritsChristmas holidays and create the necessary atmosphere, which is so necessary for getting a large number of pleasant and memorable moments. The creation of a Christmas wreath is no exception - one of the most popular attributes and symbols of the holiday of the beginning of the new year. This wreath appeared a long time ago and was popular in Europe for a long time, and now it has become popular here too. Quilling a Christmas card in the form of a wreath for the new year - master class Thanks to special quilling technologies, as well as lessons for -

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Lesson on how to create a poodle using quilling techniques for beginners – Master Class

Lesson on how to create a poodle using quilling techniques for beginners – Master Class

It is extremely easy to register a poodle dog.You can change the size of the quilling strip to make the poodle smaller or larger. For work, you will need to use wide strips. A lesson in creating a poodle using the quilling technique for beginners - master class The poodle consists of a bowl - which is made according to a dense coil in diameter by 2.5 millimeters, which is prepared using a strip in width by 3 millimeters in a ring coil. For the bone, you need to use four cup-shaped coils, each should consist of a strip of the whole composition in width -

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