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Category:Master classes on modular origami

Master classes on modular origami

This master class will teach you how to make a step-by-step modular origami paper turtle.

This master class will teach you how to make a step-by-step modular origami paper turtle.

So as not to discourage the desire to take the first stepsthis interesting activity, you should start with small crafts. In today's master class, we suggest you assemble a small turtle. To make it, you will need the following materials: standard-sized green sheets (A4), standard-sized yellow sheets (A4). Necessary tools: scissors (stationery knife). Description The sizes of the modules are standard, i.e. from an A4 sheet you get 16 modules. In total, you need to assemble green and yellow modules for such a turtle. By the way, you can choose your own color for the modules. Let's start assembling from the head….

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This master class will teach you how to make your own boat from a modular origami boat.

This master class will teach you how to make your own boat from a modular origami boat.

The boat we will assemble in thismaster class, you can make a personalized gift by laying out the first letter of the name on the sail. Or you can make a number, for example, "5" and give it to a five-year-old child, filling the ship to the top with sweets or putting a toy in the ship. You can think of other options for using such a souvenir, but let's get down to creation. We will need the following materials: 63 sheets of white and colored xerox paper, a sheet of thick paper (Whatman paper) of A4 format, glue stick, universal transparent glue (or glue gun). Tools: scissors, glue gun, if available. Description In total, you need to collect...

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A master class with a description and a photo of the origami itself - a modular monkey.

A master class with a description and a photo of the origami itself - a modular monkey.

Of course, you can time this craftmonkey for the new 2016 year, of which it is a symbol. But it is not necessary at all! Fans of modular origami do not need to look for a reason to assemble another craft. Because this activity is already very interesting and exciting. Like assembling a construction set! For such a craft, prepare: 8 sheets of white office (xerox) paper, 55 sheets of yellow office paper, a small sheet of white thick paper, glue (a glue gun or transparent universal), a stationery knife, scissors. In total, you need to assemble 879 yellow modules (zhm) and 123…

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If you want to learn how to make modular origami, look into our master class.

If you want to learn how to make modular origami, look into our master class.

And oh how you'll need patience!After all, for one medium-sized craft you need to assemble about five hundred modules! But it's worth it. A very exciting activity. Even the same creature, for example, a cat, can be assembled in different interpretations. In this master class, we suggest you assemble a cat like this: To make it, you will need the following materials: 12 sheets of white office paper, 41 sheets of colored office paper, glue (glue gun or universal), black double-sided paper, Whatman paper. Tools: scissors, felt-tip pens. Description For such a cat…

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Master-class will tell you how to make a modular star of origami from paper with your own hands

Master-class will tell you how to make a modular star of origami from paper with your own hands

There are an incredible number of differentorigami stars. This master class will show you how to make a very simple modular star that resembles a flower. For work we need: colored paper, scissors, a ruler and a pencil, glue, flower punches, double-sided tape. For each star we prepare 8 square sheets of paper with a side of 7-8 cm. Let's start making the module. Fold the sheet along one and the other diagonal. Turn it over to the back side and fold it in half. Following the lines, fold the workpiece into a double triangle. Turn it upside down and bend both sides up. The module is ready….

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This master class will teach you how to make a fish that fulfills wishes in the technique of modular origami.

This master class will teach you how to make a fish that fulfills wishes in the technique of modular origami.

The set of necessary things for work:colored paper of standard A4 format (yellow, pink, blue, orange); scissors. Cut the paper into rectangular blanks measuring 5.5 x 4 cm or one thirty-second part of an A4 sheet and make triangular modules from them. To create the craft, you will need a total of 53 triangular mod. yellow, 48 orange, 2 pink and 1 blue. We start connecting the mod. and forming the product from the front part - the head. For this, you will need triangular blanks of pink, yellow and blue colors. The scheme for connecting the mod. is illustrated in the photo. The first...

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Modular Origami with your own hands for the 2015 Competition, master classes on modular origami

Modular Origami with your own hands for the 2015 Competition, master classes on modular origami

From simple origami modules you can makethe most original crafts, look, for example, how I did it. To create modular origami, first you need to know how to fold modules. Cut out rectangles from paper, 5x7 cm in size. Fold them lengthwise, you will get rectangles 7x2.5 cm. Put it with the cut down and fold both halves to the center line. Turn the part over and bend the corners of the protruding part, and fold the protruding part itself up. You will get an equilateral triangle. Fold it in half again, and you will get a module with two pockets, where…

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A detailed master-class on the folding of two snowflakes using the modular origami technique.

A detailed master-class on the folding of two snowflakes using the modular origami technique.

What is snow made of?Snow is millions, even billions of sparkling, unique snowflakes. Speaking of uniqueness. Snowflakes have more than 100 different characteristics. This means that there are at least 10 to the 158th power (one with 158 zeros) of ways to create this masterpiece. This figure is approximately twice the number of all atoms in the Universe, which means it is impossible to find two identical snowflakes in nature. A snowflake is so fragile that it melts before it even lands on your palm. But thanks to origami, you can admire snowflakes for a long time, if...

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Modular origami: the swan. Master-class for the 2015 Competition, master classes on modular origami

Modular origami: the swan. Master-class for the 2015 Competition, master classes on modular origami

Modular origami - new, but veryan original form of creativity. The most interesting and beautiful crafts can be created from modules. For example, a beautiful swan, which will be a real decoration for any collection. Such a craft can be given as a gift or placed as an interior decoration. To create this craft, you will mainly need white modules, very few gray and red ones, which are needed for decoration. During the work, the modules are not fixed with glue, their ends are held in special pockets. If you master such a type of handicraft as modular origami,

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This master class will teach you how to make a violet in a vase in the technique of modular origami.

This master class will teach you how to make a violet in a vase in the technique of modular origami.

Materials required for work:standard A4 office paper (orange, beige, green); crepe paper (cream pink); translucent beads (white); fishing line with a diameter of 0.3 mm; stapler; awl; scissors The entire composition consists of three separate components: a flower pot, leaves, flowers. Let's consider the production of each element in more detail. Flower pot (vase) The main element of the future composition is a flower pot, which is made using modules using the modular origami technique. First, you need to make modules from orange and beige paper rectangles, the size of which is equal to 1/32 of the sheet…

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