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Category: Orchid of beads

Orchid of beads

Beading: Orchid from beads at the 2015 Competition, Orchid of Beads

Beading: Orchid from beads at the 2015 Competition, Orchid of Beads

To create such a flower you will needwire for beading, ordinary wire, thread or paper for winding stems, blue and blue beads for flowers, green for leaves, beads for the core of a flower. In addition, you will need a flower pot in which you plant your orchid. All the details of the flower are collected separately, and then formed into a separate inflorescence. First you need to dial a wire a certain amount of beads, which will be the center of the petal, then make a loop and dial the first arc, it is fixed on the other side, typed ...

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How to weave white orchid from beads, master class with photo and description.

How to weave white orchid from beads, master class with photo and description.

Along with the rose, capricious and beautiful queenflowers is an orchid. There are many different colors of shades and shapes of these flowers and almost the same number of legends and myths associated with the appearance of an orchid. One of them says that the Roman goddess of love Venus, once was so overcome by passion that she lost her shoe, and she turned into a beautiful flower - an orchid. For many years these plants were considered magical, and from their petals were prepared privorotnye potions. According to another legend, one day the sun wished to see the earth, but ...

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How to weave an orchid of beads, a detailed and step-by-step master class of French axial technique of weaving flowers from beads with a lot of photos and a description of the work

How to weave an orchid of beads, a detailed and step-by-step master class of French axial technique of weaving flowers from beads with a lot of photos and a description of the work

This article will be devoted to weaving from beadsone of the most magnificent types of flowers in the world - an orchid. She is called the queen of flowers. Truly, a majestic and beautiful flower with bright petals is known in nature for many centuries. As for any beauty that has come down to us from the depths of centuries, many legends, myths and legends have been composed about the orchid. The magic of orchids There is a beautiful legend about the origin of the orchid from the ancient Greeks. They believed that the flower appeared in place of the shoe, which was dropped by the passionate goddess of love Aphrodite. Of…

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