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Category:Hairpins of Kanzashi

Hairpins of Kanzashi

A lesson for beginners in creating hairpins with a flower of ribbons with round petals in Kansas technique

A lesson for beginners in creating hairpins with a flower of ribbons with round petals in Kansas technique

The fashion for satin flowers has come to our countryrelatively recently, but many craftswomen are already not inferior in technique to Japanese and Chinese women, who stood at the origins of the creation of the kanzashi technique. In this direction of craftsmanship, two types of petals are traditionally used: round and sharp, other interpretations appeared on their basis or were invented relatively recently. To learn how to make flowers from ribbons and fabric, you need to master the technique of creating at least one type of petals, and then, using different colors and textures of ribbons, you can create an endless…

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How to make a beautiful kanzashi hairpin with your own hands with a description and a photo.

How to make a beautiful kanzashi hairpin with your own hands with a description and a photo.

To create a beautiful hairpin using the kanzashi techniqueyou will not need a lot of free time or expensive materials. Even novice craftswomen can handle such work. Despite their "youthful" appearance, kanzashi flowers are often used to decorate mature ladies' hair, decorate non-motley outfits, and add a unique tenderness to elegant dresses. In addition to hairpins, kanzashi flowers become decorations for brooches, hoops, combs, and elastic bands. For a little princess, such an accessory to her outfit will be a wonderful gift. Before making a kanzashi hairpin, prepare the following materials and equipment:

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Lesson on making hairpins from blue ribbons in Kansas technique with step-by-step photos and video instruction

Lesson on making hairpins from blue ribbons in Kansas technique with step-by-step photos and video instruction

An unusual hairpin decorated with delicate flowersusing the kanzashi technique from satin ribbons, will appeal to brunettes and blondes. On light hair, these flowers will look gentle, but with dark hair they will create a contrast and chicly decorate the hairstyle. You can also watch a video with a detailed story about the process of creating this hairpin. To create such flowers, not so much effort and skill is required, and no more than two meters of material are spent, so this hairpin is available to almost all willing craftswomen. In this…

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Master-class with step-by-step introduction on making bows with flowers in Kansas technique

Master-class with step-by-step introduction on making bows with flowers in Kansas technique

Original bows in brown leopardcolor will suit not only little girls, but also adult girls. Such coloring and unusual style of the product will decorate a braid or a ponytail and will look original at a party for any occasion. The versatility of these bows is that they suit any style of clothing, that is, they are combined with skirts, jeans, and, of course, dresses. To create unique bows with flowers, prepare: Satin ribbon of a rich brown color, its width is 38 mm, and the length will be about 80 cm for one…

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A lesson on making hair clips in the form of a flower in Kansas technique with rhinestones

A lesson on making hair clips in the form of a flower in Kansas technique with rhinestones

A beautiful hairpin in different colors can be createdwith your own hands from several satin ribbons, folding the petals using the kanzashi technique. Such a hair clip will be a bright accent among your accessories, it can be used as an original decoration for an evening hairstyle or to pin up your hair on weekdays. Each petal for the inflorescence is created with trepidation and love, so handmade items are considered special and unique. A hair clip made using the kanzashi technique shimmers with different shades due to the fact that each petal combines several multi-colored ribbons, but all the elements have…

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