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Category:Quilling for children

Quilling for children

Christmas card for children using quilling technique – with your own hands

Christmas card for children using quilling technique – with your own hands

Children from all over the world are waiting for the most importantholiday of the year - the eve of the New Year! At these moments, we write letters, prepare gifts and decorate our homes with beautiful, bright toys. Of course, you want to do something yourself, use your hands and create a new, unique and interesting vision of the craft. Christmas card for children in the quilling technique - do it yourself Therefore, the quilling technique will be very useful and will help any kid to master new lessons. Moreover, there is a full-fledged reason. Firstly, you should please Santa Claus with a return…

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Quilling Christmas tree bells for children – DIY handicraft techniques and master class

Quilling Christmas tree bells for children – DIY handicraft techniques and master class

New Year's crafts made by hand, everythingare becoming more popular and are used by all people specifically to prepare the necessary atmosphere for the Christmas holidays. But, in order to prepare the appropriate holiday and decorate your home properly, you will need many ideas. Now, when money for decoration is better spent on new gifts or to prepare the table, we can use "budget" decorations, which often look even better than new ones from the store! Quilling bell Christmas trees for children - DIY handicraft technique and

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How to make a New Year card with quilling technique? A lesson for children

How to make a New Year card with quilling technique? A lesson for children

Children are curious for a reason.They have only recently become inhabitants of this world and therefore are interested in many things. Very often, you can develop a child by combining business with pleasure. For example, creating a postcard. On the one hand, this is a way to teach a child the traditions of giving a gift and preparing for a holiday. A New Year's card is a striking example of this. On the other hand, this is an opportunity to learn something new, for example, quilling techniques for creating such a postcard. And of course, there is a third side - the side of help. With the help of the quilling technique, you can increase...

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Quilling for the younger: crafts for children, self-made quilling and schemes

Quilling for the younger: crafts for children, self-made quilling and schemes

Quilling lessons for little ones Today in the worldthere are a large number of techniques and methods, thanks to which you can learn handicrafts. In order to create a handmade picture, almost all possible types of work with materials can be used. Starting from paper and ending with plastic bottles. Recent studies by scientists have shown that modern children are increasingly spending their free time on useless things. Of course, no one has erased the fact that today a child simply needs to work with a computer and study modern online…

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Decorating a Christmas tree snowman from paper - master class on quilling crafts

Decorating a Christmas tree snowman from paper - master class on quilling crafts

Many children all over the world are eagerly awaitingthe onset of this holiday. And not in vain, because the opportunity to create something new and unique with your own hands should come from inspiration. New Year's holidays and Christmas are the most inexhaustible source that feeds children all over the world. They are waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus, who should give them a new game console, or a brand new phone. But, from early childhood, you should teach your child that he should also make his own fairy-tale crafts for Santa Claus, which will make him happy. Design…

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