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Category:Crochet flower crochet

Crochet flower crochet

Schemes and a detailed description of how to crochet a three-dimensional and flat rose with their own hands.

Schemes and a detailed description of how to crochet a three-dimensional and flat rose with their own hands.

One of the most magnificent creations of natureis a rose. There are countless myths about this amazing and beautiful flower. According to an ancient Iranian legend, one day all the flowers came to Allah and asked him to appoint them a new ruler instead of the lazy Lotus. Allah heeded their prayers and created a beautiful white rose with sharp thorns. Eglanteria grows in the garden of the Iranian palace Negaristan. It is unique, reaches 6 meters in height, and the trunk in girth is 70 cm. The legendary Cleopatra, when she received the commander Mark Antony, gave the order...

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