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Category:Rose-origami paper

Rose-origami paper

Paper rose in the technique of origami is easy to fold, using a detailed description and step-by-step photos

Paper rose in the technique of origami is easy to fold, using a detailed description and step-by-step photos

A paper rose made using origami technique will be a wonderfuladdition to any gift or an excellent decorative element. The creation of this wonderful craft is quite interesting and not at all difficult. Following the instructions, anyone can make this wonderful flower without spending a lot of time on the work. Each flower is beautiful in its own way. It conceals pristine beauty, attractiveness, tenderness or passion. The aromas of these plants have always attracted attention and caused admiration. One of the special flowers that exist on the planet is the rose. It is distinguished…

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Make a rose from paper origami or an entire bouquet using a pattern is not difficult even for a child

Make a rose from paper origami or an entire bouquet using a pattern is not difficult even for a child

Origami - paper rose - not difficultcraft, and, at the same time, very beautiful. It can be made in a single copy or you can create a whole bouquet with your own hands using this technique. The work process itself does not take much time and is perfect for joint creativity with children. Origami is perhaps one of the most unusual and creative types of art. Japan is considered to be the birthplace of origami, despite the fact that paper was invented in Ancient China. It was in Japan that it became the most popular…

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Tips for creating origami roses with their own hands. Photos for work.

Tips for creating origami roses with their own hands. Photos for work.

One of the popular types of creating beautifulOrigami is considered to be Origami Rose. Every girl loves flowers, and especially beautiful variations of floral products. That is why making such a craft is a special job that requires a reverent attitude and the necessary amount of knowledge. This article will tell and show how you can make Origami Roses with your own hands, using modern solutions and the most interesting scheme options. Making this simple figure using paper will not be particularly difficult. Our collection of photos will show you what can happen if you use schemes to create…

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