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Category:Scheme of knitting a braid with knitting needles

Scheme of knitting a braid with knitting needles

Knitting with braid patterns from braid. Detailed instructions with photo and description for beginners

Knitting with braid patterns from braid. Detailed instructions with photo and description for beginners

In ancient times, knitting was kept secret, andknitted products were very expensive, so only wealthy people could afford them. The ability to knit socks and gloves was passed down exclusively from father to son. Later, ladies from high society were engaged in knitting, and in Scotland all clothes were knitted. The invention of the knitting machine made the work of needlewomen easier, but both then and now knitted items remain at a premium. Warm and cozy knitted items have not gone out of fashion for several seasons. Moreover…

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Learn how to knit beautiful items using the “braid” pattern. using diagrams and detailed descriptions

Learn how to knit beautiful items using the “braid” pattern. using diagrams and detailed descriptions

Schemes and descriptions of the “braid” pattern,knitted, are offered to needlewomen in a huge assortment. Despite the apparent complexity of the work, there is nothing particularly scary about knitting them. A little patience and a beautiful pattern will decorate any knitted item, in particular a cardigan, sweater or regular baby mittens. The “braid” pattern appeared quite a long time ago. It was also a decoration on the sweaters of Irish fishermen. Gradually, all the needlewomen in the world began to use it in their products, adding something new and extraordinary. Today, there are many options for making braids: simple; volumetric; wide;…

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Knitting with knitting needles of simple patterns from braids. Detailed diagrams with descriptions and photos for beginners

Knitting with knitting needles of simple patterns from braids. Detailed diagrams with descriptions and photos for beginners

The simplest yarn in the hands of a skilled needlewomanturns into something original. Combining different knitting patterns, each time you get new models in the form of vests and cardigans, mittens and socks. The most common type of pattern is the “braid”. Its appearance can take different shapes, such as narrow or wide, double or triple, it all depends on you. Today, almost all models of knitted items are decorated with the “braids” pattern, since it is based on a simple knitting principle, having mastered which, you can create unique ones yourself.

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Knitting patterns with knitting needles of various patterns from braids. Detailed description with photo for beginners

Knitting patterns with knitting needles of various patterns from braids. Detailed description with photo for beginners

When knitting hats, sweaters, pullovers,vests, scarves and other products, a pattern with a “braid” pattern is used. Things with such a knitting pattern look very stylish and beautiful. There are different patterns for knitting braids, and accordingly, the names are different. Here are some examples of the names of such patterns: double-sided braid, voluminous braids, spikelet braid, decorative braid, Celtic braid, large braid, hidden braids. And the variety of knitted braids is not limited to this. Braids look very beautiful against the background of garter stitch or rice knitting. However, you choose the knitting background according to…

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