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Category:Knitting Pattern Knitting Patterns

Knitting Pattern Knitting Patterns

Knitting with your own hands comfortable and cute tracks with two methods. Description of knitting traces by different methods, professional tips and knitting patterns

Knitting with your own hands comfortable and cute tracks with two methods. Description of knitting traces by different methods, professional tips and knitting patterns

Footprints are knitted simply and quickly if you knowsome features of their knitting. Comfortable, bright footsies are pleasant to wear and easy to knit, and even a novice needlewoman can cope with this task. The method is "knitting in a circle". This method, with the help of which knitting of this type of footwear as footsies is carried out, will not require much effort and time from experienced knitters. Those who knit socks competently and for a long time and have solid experience in this matter, they will quickly master this method of knitting footsies. But those who are still uncertain...

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Knitting on knitting needles with leaves. Detailed diagram with photo and description for beginners

Knitting on knitting needles with leaves. Detailed diagram with photo and description for beginners

When it's cold in your apartment or house, you want cozinessand warmth, knitting can be a good helper in this. Even if you have heated floors, nothing can warm and give pleasant sensations to your feet better than openwork socks knitted on knitting needles. Many needlewomen today prefer to knit socks of various models, instead of boring identical socks. Knitted socks are an ideal opportunity to get rid of the remains of yarn, and to warm your feet in anticipation of the cold season, which is already coming. Simple technique...

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Knitting on knitting needles of warm traces with a Norwegian pattern. Detailed diagram with photo and description for beginners

Knitting on knitting needles of warm traces with a Norwegian pattern. Detailed diagram with photo and description for beginners

Knitting is an original way to showyour love and care to people close to us. Since any thing knitted on knitting needles by yourself, which in the future will please others, will convey all your love and tenderness to the future owner. Everyone knows that it is important to keep your feet warm, especially on the eve of winter, various methods of knitting socks will help you with this. This is a creative and enjoyable job. Using yarn of two or more shades in knitting a sock, you can easily diversify any model you like. Jacquard,…

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