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Category:Simple postcards with own hands

Simple postcards with own hands

Easter egg in the technique of quilling at the Spring 2016 Competition, simple postcards with own hands

Easter egg in the technique of quilling at the Spring 2016 Competition, simple postcards with own hands

Wonderful crafts for the holiday of Bright Easterwe created with our own hands. Such cards will decorate the festive table or Easter cards can be given to friends, relatives. To create a card we will need colored cardboard, quilling paper, glue, felt-tip pens. First, we outline the shape of the egg on a sheet of cardboard, then cut out the silhouette of the egg. This will be the basis of the whole work, now we begin to decorate the card. Let's start with the flower, its stem consists of half a ribbon. The leaves consist of a full ribbon twisted into a drop shape, there should be approximately two stages of them….

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Simple cards with their own hands, available to carry out even a child, will help to make our master class, these are valentines for Valentine's Day.

Simple cards with their own hands, available to carry out even a child, will help to make our master class, these are valentines for Valentine's Day.

Those celebrating Valentine's Day presentgifts to your loved ones in the form of flowers, sweets, toys, balloons, postcards and other valuable gifts. Traditionally, postcards with hearts are considered a symbolic gift on Valentine's Day, which are sometimes presented anonymously. Such greeting cards can be made in the shape of a heart or have some elements in the form of hearts in their design. The predominant colors for their design are red, white, pink, coral. Valentines can also be sent as letters, which will be a very pleasant surprise for their recipients. And if such…

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Simple postcards that you can do with your own hands. Photos of examples of postcards.

Simple postcards that you can do with your own hands. Photos of examples of postcards.

Almost no holiday goes by withoutpresenting greeting cards, in which we sincerely wish the owners for whom they are intended all the best. Imagine how much more precious the card will be to the person you gave it to if it is made with your own hands. It will keep sweet and pleasant memories of its giver, who made it with such warmth and care. If you have not tried to create such works before, then it is better to choose simple ideas for a card to begin with. Your parents,…

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The master class will show how to make valentines - simple cards with their own hands, such cards for children are light in performance, but very touching.

The master class will show how to make valentines - simple cards with their own hands, such cards for children are light in performance, but very touching.

Valentine's Day is coming up and I really want toplease all your loved ones and loved ones on this holiday in the most original way. How to make a pleasant surprise for everyone and not spend too much money on expensive gifts? It's very simple if you have several sheets of red paper with different patterns, white cardboard, a simple ribbon and red dry glitter. Symbolically, it is customary to give cards on this holiday, but store-bought ones are not always original or incredibly beautiful. In addition, even the most expensive…

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