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Category:Spring games and crafts

Spring games and crafts

Crafts by May 1 with their own hands.

Crafts by May 1 with their own hands.

In our article about DIY crafts to 1(First) of May I would like to write about how to make a vase for flowers from an ordinary jar from under grandma's jam or pickles. What we may need for a nice craft for May 1: Glass jar, brush (painter's), acrylic paints, brushes, a piece of bandage or cotton wool, PVA, alcohol-containing liquid, semolina, transparent varnish, well and napkins for the whole process. Let's get down to May 1 DIY creativity: First, we will need to degrease our jar with the prepared agent….

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Flowers from Foamiran with their own hands are a master class. MK from Foma.

Flowers from Foamiran with their own hands are a master class. MK from Foma.

If you love to create beautiful and uniqueflowers with your own hands, decorate your nest with them or make them as a gift to loved ones for any holiday, then this article of mine is just for you. If your creative potential is in full swing, it's time to make bright "live" flowers from foamiran, which you can admire forever! Foamiran is my second favorite material for DIY crafts after felt. For those who don't know, foamiran (or fom) - such sheets of foam rubber. It's a pleasure to make from it, especially...

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How to decorate Easter eggs

How to decorate Easter eggs

Many housewives and needlewomen ask themselves the question,how to decorate Easter eggs with your own hands at home. Probably everyone knows this tradition - to paint eggs for Easter, but if you do not know yet, then this information is for you: An egg is a symbol of fertility and rebirth, and an Easter egg means "the Holy Sepulcher", for Christians it is a reminder of salvation and eternal life for those faithful to God. Eggs have been painted for a very long time, even before the advent of Christianity, but the first Christians painted eggs red, as a reminder of...

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Ideas for the board game with their own hands.

Ideas for the board game with their own hands.

I want to show you how to make interestingboard games for children with your own hands. One of the simple children's games is "tic-tac-toe". You need - a board and 5 chips for each player. This is especially relevant when the child does not yet know how to draw well. The easiest option: draw a board on paper and make crosses and zeros in plastic bottle caps: You can also make a board by gluing (or sewing) ribbons to the fabric: Girls will appreciate this option - such cute hearts, they can be cut out

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Crafts for children 3 years

Crafts for children 3 years

Today I will tell you about a craft for 3 year old children.These will be cute little birds in a nest. I believe that crafts with children should also be useful for development. What is the benefit of such a craft? We expand children's horizons, tell the baby about the birds that live in your city, where and how they make nests. For our craft we will need: Paper plate Paints, brushes Glue Dry grass (you can also use scraps of paper) Pom-poms Foam material for crafts Stickers - eyes How to do:…

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Than to occupy the child. Children's games and crafts when parents are busy

Than to occupy the child. Children's games and crafts when parents are busy

And how many ideas can you come up with for your own?children? What do you try to do with your child when you are unable to entertain him/her yourself? Sometimes parents have an inexhaustible number of thoughts on this matter, but there are times when our imagination is hard and there is not a single necessary thought. In this case, we ask the search engine to find ideas - what to do with a child at home or outside, and we would like to simply give the child material, throw in an idea, and for him/her to get carried away by it….

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How to entertain a child. 80 games and activities with children

How to entertain a child. 80 games and activities with children

Don't know how to entertain your child when hebored? I want to offer you 80 fun games and activities for children for all seasons. What to do with children in winter? Sledding with your child Making snow applications Bring a twig from the street and put it in a jar of water Arrange a shadow theater Decorate a Christmas tree Make greeting cards Draw pictures on a notebook to make a cartoon Make a house out of boxes Count the stars in the clear winter sky Tell your dreams Make a dreamcatcher…

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