Chair - abacus: massager + nostalgia
Today, when we are surrounded by a variety of powerfuladvanced technologies that fit in a small pocket, we have almost forgotten or are simply too lazy to do simple calculations in our heads, preferring to use calculators. In any market, sellers use smart cash registers that count out the necessary change. And only in old stores, often in rural areas, you can still meet saleswomen from the times of mental arithmetic, using ordinary wooden abacus! Yes, those old abacuses that our grandparents used for simple mathematics are now history. However, I really like the design of this simple device, with its cool, pleasant to the touch wooden beads. As a child, I had my own colorful children's abacus, and I still experience a pleasant feeling of nostalgia when I see similar ones.Designer Eva Korae probably feels the same waynostalgia and romance associated with wooden abacuses. Her colorful Count on me chair is made from a wooden base, metal rods in a wooden shell and strung with colorful beads. It turned out original and cute!And even if this chair doesn't provide comfortsoft cushions, it will certainly offer a good massage of the butt and back, and will also help teach the child mental arithmetic. If you liked this crazy chair, you can order it for ... 7,000 euros :-)