DIY strawberry cheesecake – recipe and photos for making a pie without baking

DIY strawberry cheesecake – recipe and photos for making a pie without baking

Delicious cheesecakes for today - oneof the most popular dishes for original cooking. And therefore, if you want to please your guests, as well as prepare a unique and special dish for them, such an opportunity is provided thanks to a unique recipe. We offer you a recipe for cooking for 2 servings of a dish that is ideal for receiving guests, will become a sweet solution and a convenient opportunity to improve your professional skills.Cheesecake with strawberries with their own hands - a recipe and photos of cooking pie without baking. Photo №1


We need to take:

  • Philadelphia (cheese) in the amount of one and a half cups
  • 4 tablespoons cream
  • Powdered sugar - two tablespoons
  • Vanilla pod
  • Butter - two tablespoons
  • Coarsely ground cookies - 150 grams
  • 1.5 glasses of strawberries

Cheesecake at home!

Cheesecake with strawberries with their own hands - a recipe and photos of cooking pie without baking. Photo # 2Let's use a blender and make crumbs from itcookies. Then, the finished crumbs must be mixed with butter (cream) and mix the composition well. Then, you need to put our composition on the bottom with a baking paper form, and also use butter crumbs and tamp them into the form. Then, this whole composition must be put in the refrigerator so that it cools down. It will cool down within an hour. Prepare the baseCheesecake with strawberries with their own hands - a recipe and photos of cooking pie without baking. Picture №3Next, using a mixer, beat the powdered sugar, cheese mass, vanilla powder, adding cream. It is necessary that the cheesecake mass does not become too liquid. Cheesecake toppingCheesecake with strawberries with their own hands - a recipe and photos of cooking pie without baking. Photo №4Then, we place the cheese mass in specialcookie cutters and put it in the refrigerator to cool our composition. It is necessary to keep the composition no more than a few hours. Then, prepare the topping: To do this, you need to mix our berries (in this case - strawberries) in a blender, use powdered sugar and, of course, a spoon of water. We also put this topping in the refrigerator to cool. After preparing the cheesecake, pour it with the topping and decorate with strawberries. The dish is ready, it can be served on the table!

