Chest in the interior: ideas for storage, decor and furniture (37 photos)

Chest in the interior: ideas for storage, decor and furniture (37 photos)

What do you associate with the word “chest”?Most likely with pirates, treasures, and something like that. By the way, did you know that this particular item is now often used in home interiors? Some consider it an old-fashioned and unnecessary thing, but in fact, it is a worthy and functional item in the home.Chest in the interiorChest in the interior Content

Chest history

First appeared in Ancient Egypt, then inAncient Greece. Then gradually spreads already in the Middle Ages, where it mainly serves as part of the interior of the house. It was a universal item that was used as a table, bed, chair, and a place where jewelry, clothes, household items were stored. They say that it was a horizontal predecessor of the wardrobe, which over time became vertical, and acquired doors, handles and shelves.Storage chestStorage chest During the Gothic period, they began to actively manufacturechests with legs. And during the Renaissance, a back and armrest were added to it, which was called "cassapanca". At that time, chests were usually made of wood, and strong locks served as protection against theft.

Types of chests in the interior

There are several types of chests that can be used:

  • Traditional.
  • Vintage chest.
  • Rustic.
  • Ethnic.
  • Modern.

Depending on the idea of ​​creating the interior, you canchoose one or another type of chest. Now let's try to understand in more detail what each of the options is. Traditional chest This is the image that is associated primarily with this word. Large or small, a wooden object that can have legs, but most often without them.Traditional chestTraditional chest Usually rectangular in shape,decorated with stones, carvings and metal inserts, which serve not only for beauty, but also to protect corners from minor damage. Vintage chests Mainly serve to emphasize a certain charm and romance of an old interior. Of course, it can be played up in a modern design and style of rooms, but initially it is still used as a kind of retro thing.Vintage chestVintage Chest The image of such a chest isAntiquity, scratches, darkened, perhaps even worn with time. For a greater effect of antiquity, they are often covered with craquelure varnish. Such a thing is also associated with the times of knights and medieval castles. Rough rustic chests Category of villagers and landowners. They are made of wood and treated with stain. Such chests look simple, without frills. They are quite massive and are often used in country style interiors.Village chestRustic Chest Ethnic Chest Includes simplicity and forged metal chains that remind us of the Viking era. It is used when you want to convey the ethnic style in the interior of the house.Ethnic ChestEthnic Chest Modern chests are different from all others in that they are made of completely forged metal sheets, and are only slightly stylized to resemble the chests of the past.Modern chestModern Chest

DIY chest decoration

In fact, it's not always worth throwing away a lotmoney to have the chest of your dreams. It is much easier to find a regular suitable option at the market or somewhere in your grandmother's bins. Then it is just a matter of imagination and improvised means, because you can decorate and style it yourself. The most common option for decorating a thing is decoupage. Its meaning is to find a suitable drawing in paper form on napkins, cut out and combine the elements you need. These drawings are glued to the chest, covered with glue or varnish on top, and when everything dries, additional decoration is applied using paints and interesting things (pebbles, glitter, fabric, etc.).Chest decoupageDecoupage of a chest The decoration can be done both withthe outside of the object, as well as inside. Depending on what you plan to store there, there is an option for some zoning of the space, each of which is then separately decorated with a pattern or color. As we can see, there are many ideas, and our imagination will have room to roam. The main thing is to find time and desire.

Where can I use a chest?

The chest will fit into any interior, the main thing is that itplay it right. It can be either high-tech trends or the Renaissance, colonial or art deco style. Decoupage, mosaic cladding, fabric upholstery and other materials will help us to stylize it for a particular interior option. But it can be useful to us in such cases:

  • One of its main advantages is the internal space in which you can store anything from clothes and shoes to banks, books, etc.
  • A great option to use in a children's room as a storage of toys, clothes and even some "children's secrets" in it. Children are very fond of secrets, and can keep something secret in it.
  • Do not believe it, but in some cases the chestcan act as a ottoman or sofa. It can also be used as a tea table for guests, and the tea set itself should be stored in the middle. This will give a kind of flavor that your guests will remember for a long time.

Chests in the interior

And now we finally come to the main point,how chests are combined in the interior of the premises. Chest in the kitchen This is exactly the place for which the chest was originally invented. Its main role was that it was used to store various kitchen utensils. You can put large items here, such as a tea set, pots, an axe, a rolling pin, cauldrons and much more.Chest in the kitchenChest in the kitchen You can also store tablecloths there,towels, napkins. Sometimes it is used as a mini-bar for storing drinks. You can additionally make wheels so that it can move around the apartment. The outer surface is used as a table or seat. Chests in the interior of the living room The traditional use of a chest in the living room usually comes down to the image of a coffee table. Accordingly, various magazines, newspapers, TV remote control, etc. are stored on it. The nuance in use will be that usually the surface will be cluttered with some things, and it will be difficult to get inside the box.Chest in the living roomChest in the living room Another optionuse - as a chest of drawers. Also a very functional and convenient use of the item. Chest in the children's room World of toys and clothes. The chest will be just a godsend for storing all these little things. You will no longer see scattered books, coloring books and pencils. In the interior itself, it will look fantastic in combination with a marine theme of wallpaper or a pirate style.Chest in the nurseryChest in the nursery Chests in the bathroom Herea chest will also prove to be an indispensable item. If the area of ​​the room allows you to put a large chest-table, it can be used not only for storing things, but also for ironing clothes. Rags, cleaning products, powders will fit perfectly inside. And if you divide it into zones, you can put towels, a robe, linen, and everything like that.Chest in the bathroomChest in the bathroom Actually, if you think about it, a chest can be used anywhere. It won't take up much space, but it will hold a lot of useful and unnecessary things.

Materials for creating a decorative chest

In the original version, the chest is wooden, but you should not rely solely on this factor. You can make your own exclusive chest.Do-it-yourself chestDIY Chest Materials that can be used to create a masterpiece:

  • Cardboard. The easiest solution to create a decorative chest that will appeal to the eye. To do this, you need rough cardboard and decorations for decoration. You can put a little thing on a chest of drawers or a buffet.
  • Papier-mâché (a mixture of cardboard and paper) is also great for sculpting this piece of furniture.
  • Foam plastic or polystyrene foam is an interesting solution if you want to create a chest that can be attached to a wall or even a ceiling, while simultaneously playing out the plot with the rest of the interior.
  • MDF, plywood or particleboard - this is a more serious approach to work. Such a chest can be fully used for storing things.

To sum up, we can say that with the advent ofThe chest partially solved the problem of storing things. Chests come in different styles: classic, ethnic, vintage, rustic and modern. The materials from which a chest can be made also vary (cardboard, papier-mâché, foam, plywood, wood). Chests can be used for many purposes (table, pouf, chest of drawers), as well as in all rooms in the house. Did you like the article? Share on social networks!

