Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads,

Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads,

Looking at the small, brightly colored piecesglass, it is hard to believe that the history of beads and beadwork is already several centuries old. It got its name from the Arabic word "buser", which can be translated as "fake pearls". Its history is inextricably linked with the history of glassmaking. The first evidence of the creation of glass products dates back to the 4th millennium BC. Beads made of malachite glass with alkali, which were found at archaeological excavations in the Middle East and Egypt, are dated approximately to this period. Glass production in China developed around the same time. But the beginning of the history of beads will come only in the 1st millennium BC, with the advent of the glass-blowing tube. Ancient craftsmen added a certain amount of manganese, cobalt, copper and other metals to the glass mass and received glass of various shades, purple, blue, green. Modern equipment allows you to get beads of these and many other colors and shades, from transparent to matte, with a metallic effect and "cat's eye", different textures and gloss. Despite the apparent simplicity, beads provide absolute freedom for creativity. Stunning paintings, toys, chic flowers, miniature bonsai and, of course, jewelry are created from them. This is where the real scope for the imagination of needlewomen is. Bracelets are very popular among lovers of beautiful and high-quality jewelry. This jewelry belongs to the unisex category, an original beaded bracelet can be given to loved ones, both guys and girls, and looking at the detailed patterns and master classes in this article, even a beginner in beading can weave it. Before starting any work, you need to familiarize yourself with the general rules and recommendations. When weaving with beads - this is, first of all, the choice of the material on which the beads, crystals and beads are strung. The most suitable option for work is thin fishing line. It is much stronger than threads, and you do not need a needle to string beads on the fishing line. If you cannot do without a needle, for example, beads are strung on nylon or silicone threads that stretch, then you should choose a very thin and short needle. With clasps for bracelets, everything is very simple, a huge variety of the most varied shapes and sizes are sold in stores with accessories for needlework. You will also need a container for storing beads during work, roomy and with small sides so that the beads do not roll out. This can also be purchased in a store or use, for example, a jar lid. And finally, the beads themselves. They come in completely different sizes, with several holes, round, oval, square or triangular. There are also chopped beads - short sticks, and bugles - long ones. There is no need to limit yourself to one color of beads or a certain width of the bracelet. Let your imagination tell you what your decoration should be. For beginners, it is better to always take beads with a reserve, and each time for a new product take a new portion. One of the simplest bracelets is woven using the "cross" pattern. This is an ideal start for those who are just learning to weave.Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo №1

  • Take a suitable piece of fishing line or thread with two needles. Fold in half and tie the knot back slightly from the bend, leaving the tail. You can attach the clasp here.
  • String on it 4 pcs. beads.
  • One end of the line or thread is threaded into the last bead and tighten the ends. The result was a cross.
  • String one bead on each side, through the third bead to stretch both ends of the line or thread. Tighten.
  • Following this analogy, you can string more beads, experiment with the sizes of beads. It can turn out such a cute bracelet.
  • Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo # 2The next bracelet will also be easy to make, it is perfect for beginners to practice.Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Picture №3You will need beads of two shades, one for the petals and the other for the flower cores. If desired, you can make each flower a different color. To create one flower:

  • At the end of the line, tie a knot, leaving a tail for fastening.
  • String 5 red and 1 yellow bead.
  • Stretch the free end of the line through the first bead.
  • String another 3 red beads and draw a line in the nearest red bead. Tighten.
  • Make a few flowers, fasten the fishing line and fasteners.
  • The next bracelet will be within the power of those who have already practiced a little in weaving.Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo №4The cord bracelet stretches well, so you may not even need a clasp to wear it.Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo №5Below is a diagram and master class on weaving a multi-colored tourniquet. For practice, you can try to create a tourniquet from one shade of beads.

  • Tie a knot on one ponytail line, leave a small tail.
  • String 7 pcs. Beads and pass the second end of the line to the first bead.
  • String 1 pc. Beads and pass fishing line through the third bead.
  • Put on another bead and stretch the line through the fifth.
  • Continue to put on one bead and pass a line in beads, through one from it.
  • Continue to the required size. The ends of the line should be tied and fixed. If desired, make a buckle or make it a closed circle.
  • Master class on weaving a cord bracelet in black and red tones.Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo №6You will need:

    • Crystals 4 mm red and black;
    • Beads 11/0 gold and black;
    • Beads 8/0 gold color;
    • Clasp;
    • The line;
    • Needle.

    String 4 gold beads 8/0 (base) onto the fishing linespirals), 1 piece of each color 11/0, 1 black crystal and again 2 pieces 11/0 (symmetrically relative to the first two). The work will go from left to right. This is for the black spiral.Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo №7Pass the right end of the fishing line through 4 gold beads 8/0, add 2 pcs. 11/0, 1 red crystal and again 2 pcs. 11/0. This is for the red spiral.Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo №8Pass the right end of the fishing line (it has a red one on it)crystal) through the base of the spiral. The turn of the black spiral begins again. Pick up 1 bead of the main row 8/0 (blue arrow), then, as usual, 2 pcs. 11/0, 1 black crystal, 2 pcs. 11/0 (symmetrically).Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo Number 9

    • The bracelet is padded through 4 beads of the base 8/0,so after the second black turn, the line should not be passed through 4, but after 3, starting with the second bead of the base (red arrow), it is also necessary to separate the red rows from the black ones, we must move the red crystal so that the black crystal is located next to the black .

    Pass the right end of the line through the 2nd, 3rd andthe fourth bead of the base (the blue arrow shows that it is necessary to pass the fishing line through the bead of the base, which was added in the previous step). The weaving is shifted to the side and a spiral cord of beads is formed.Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Picture №10Important!Add a base bead only when weaving a black turn of the spiral. Put 2 pcs. 11/0 on the fishing line, a red crystal, and 2 more pcs. 11/0. Pass the right edge of the fishing line through 4 base beads (skip the 1st, leftmost one). Move the crystal so that it is located near the first red crystal.Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo Number 11 Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo number 12Repeat alternating black and red loopsas many times as necessary for the desired bracelet size. To finish the cord, you need to string 7 pcs. 11/0 and pass them through 2 base beads (indicated by the red arrow).Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo №13String 1 pc.11/0, 1 black crystal and 1 more 11/0. Pass the base through the outermost bead (red arrow). Repeat with both edges of the bracelet. This will make them look neater.Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo Number 14All that's left is to attach the clasps and the bracelet is ready. It looks no less beautiful made of pastel-colored pearls.Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo number 15A bracelet with a name will look very cute. Such jewelry will be a wonderful gift for a loved one.Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo number 16This bracelet is woven according to the pattern“bricks” and will be within the power of even beginners. In the “brick” technique, you can weave not only a bracelet with a name, products can be created of any thickness and with any pattern. Such bracelets will be strong enough and resemble a strap. Before you start weaving a bracelet with a name, you need to draw a diagram of the future bracelet on a sheet of paper in a box, where you paint the cells-beads for the name with a different color or just highlight them.Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo number 17.

  • Tie a knot at one end of the line.
  • String 10 pcs. beads.
  • From the last bead pass the line to the penultimate and again to the last, the end of the line looks along the weaving (on the knot).
  • Put on the next bead and again repeat the passing, but with the penultimate bead in the top row.
  • Do not forget to string the beads of another color to create a name.
  • Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo Number 18 Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo Number 19 Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo number 20There is a type of bead calledTwin. It has 2 holes in each bead. In combination with regular beads, very original jewelry is obtained. Below is a simple master class on creating a beautiful bracelet from Twin beads.Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo Number 21Required:

    • Twin beads (with two holes);
    • Beads are ordinary;
    • Needle with thread (can be replaced with a fishing line);
    • Cones;
    • The lock;
    • Beads.

    String 4 twin beads onto the working thread and tie a double knot securely.Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo Number 22Thread the thread through the second hole of the outer bead. String on a regular bead, 1 twin bead and another regular bead. Thread the working thread through the next bead of the first row.Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo # 23Repeat 3 more times. When the second row of the bracelet is finished, thread the thread not into the next twin bead, as in the first row, but into this one.Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo # 24Repeat until the bracelet reaches the desired length. To close the knots at the ends, attach cones and clasps. Here are some more simple and beautiful patterns for bracelets with Twin beads.Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo №25 Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo №26 Schemes and several master classes with a photo on weaving bracelets from beads ,. Photo №27

