Schemes of assembly of decorative plates in the technique of modular origami will help to create a beautiful product

Schemes of assembly of decorative plates in the technique of modular origami will help to create a beautiful product

Modular origami, decorative assembly diagramsplates – An excellent gift option for loved ones. Modular origami is assembled based on basic triangular modules. Assembly diagrams allow you to learn how to assemble the proposed version of decorative plates and in the future modify the model, experiment with shapes and colors. Tips for assembling decorative plates An amazing way to create a unique decorative item for your home – This is modular origami. Schemes for assembling decorative plates are presented so that novice craftsmen can learn how to assemble three-dimensional figures. Using a special assembly technique will allow you to create a decorative plate like this.Modular origami. Schemes of assembly of decorative plates. Photo №1Several mysterious transformations and an intricate product will become more attractive, original, and acquire an unusual decor, as in this photo.Modular origami. Schemes of assembly of decorative plates. Photo # 2For the decorative plate option,which was indicated above in the first photo, you will need about 1000 modules. It is not necessary to immediately prepare the full number of blanks. They can be rolled from a suitable sheet of paper as you assemble the product. If you wish, you can change the color of the module, and if you acquire good assembly skills, create plates of a unique shape. In total, for the first version of the plate you will need white, blue and yellow modules, in quantities of 356, 301 and 339, respectively. To make a more complex version of the plate with diamond decor, you will need 636 white modules, more than 500 blue and yellow blanks. At the first stage, you need to collect a chain of 42 blanks of the same color and close it into a circle. Thus, it is necessary to make two rows. In the next row we assemble with alternating colors – 1 yellow element, five blue modules. Then we add yellow modules and reduce the number of blue ones, that is, we alternate 2 yellow elements and four blue ones. When assembling the next rows, it is necessary to reduce the number of blue modules again, and assemble the yellow elements only along the edges so that the middle remains unfilled. When corner fragments are formed during assembly, they must be connected with a white module. At this stage of assembly you should get the shapes as indicated in the diagram.Modular origami. Schemes of assembly of decorative plates. Picture №3Now let's move on to the white blanks. We gradually lay them out so as to rise in height to the top of the formed corner element of the plate. You will get a figure from the inside, like this image.Modular origami. Schemes of assembly of decorative plates. Photo №4Now between each corner fragment we form a column of six modules and build up the vertices using also six modules. There will be arches around the entire perimeter of the plate. See the diagram.Modular origami. Schemes of assembly of decorative plates. Photo №5White modules are connected to the corner fragmentwhite blanks. Then a whole row of yellow and blue modules is assembled. This is how we got closer to assembling the first version of the plate. Experienced craftsmen are attracted to modular origami, the assembly diagram of which decorative plates depicts colored diamonds along the edge. To do this, you don’t need to stop, but start filling in the fragments between the corners with modules, as in this diagram.Modular origami. Schemes of assembly of decorative plates. Photo №6In the last row of blue modules we form sharp corners.

