Knitting scheme for a loose sweatster with knitting needles. Detailed description with photo for beginners

Knitting scheme for a loose sweatster with knitting needles. Detailed description with photo for beginners

A jumper is a great item for womenbasic wardrobe. It is quite comfortable to wear not only in cold weather, but also in warm autumn-spring season. Made of high-quality yarn, satin stitch or pattern, it effectively combines with trousers, skirts and jeans. There are many models of jumpers that can be easily knitted with knitting needles by hand.stylish free knitted cardigan for women. Photo №1The classic jumper does not have a collar.neck and fits the figure perfectly. It has a shallow neckline. Such sweaters have been worn by women for quite a long time. But even now they have not lost their relevance. In order for your jumper to turn out good, you need to carefully approach the selection of yarn. It can be mixed - having a different composition. You should know one important point regarding the elastic band on the cuffs and neck - it will turn out neater if you knit it with knitting needles of a relatively small diameter. Wet technical processing is also of great importance. Before sewing all the parts of the resulting product, you can wash them in warm water or steam each of them with an iron. It is best to do the seams using a knitted seam. This way they will be less noticeable.stylish free knitted cardigan for women. Photo # 2Knitting patterns for jumpers Let's try to knit oneof the lightest jumpers - loose fit. Such a jumper will look spectacular on any woman, regardless of her build. And besides, this season oversized clothes (loose fit) are very fashionable and stylish. Our jumper will have one size. For work we will need 700 grams of yarn. The best choice would be mixed threads. Most of their composition will be wool, and the rest - acrylic. We will use threads of four different colors. In this case, the jumper will be striped. The knitting needles that will be used in this knitting: standard No. 4.5 and No. 5.stylish free knitted cardigan for women. Picture №3We will knit our jumper in three different ways - stockinette stitch, 1x1 ribbing and garter stitch. So, let's get started!

  • To begin, cast on 134 stitches onto the knitting needles.Next, we will start knitting several rows with a regular single elastic band. We knit until the fabric reaches a height of 5 cm. In the next row, we knit the front loops as follows. We knit the first and last four loops in a row with garter stitch. We knit the loops that are located between them with front loops. It is necessary to repeat this action until our piece reaches a height of 54 cm.
  • Mark with a pin or contrasting tapethreads the leftmost loop. Continue knitting to a height of 145 cm. Mark the leftmost loop again. Knit in this way, four front loops, garter stitch, four front loops until the fabric measures 195 cm. Next, move on to knitting the elastic. Knit, alternating one front loop with one back loop until the height of 200 cm is reached. As a result, we should also get a rectangle. Then move on to knitting the sleeves. Cast on 50 loops. Next, knit the cuffs with an elastic band to a height of 4 cm. After that, move on to stocking stitch. Make its part until it reaches a height of 10 cm. Then we come to the need to expand the sleeve. We accomplish this task by adding loops along the edges. After the first three loops in each row, make a yarn over, and then continue knitting with stocking stitch (front loops in all rows). We make increases in every eighth and tenth row. We add one loop seven times. As a result, after making all the increases, we should have 62 loops. Then we continue knitting with the front surface until the fabric of our sleeve reaches a height of 37 cm.
  • We finish knitting by closing the loops in any convenient way.for you. The second sleeve is knitted in the same way as the first: the cuffs are knitted with an elastic band, increases are made, knitting continues until the required height of the part is achieved. After the second sleeve is made, we proceed to assembling the jumper. But first, it is necessary to perform the WTO of the finished product. Parts of the jumper are ironed with steam or washed. And only after this can you begin assembling the product. The rectangular part is folded in half. Next, the location of the sleeves is marked. They are sewn to the upper part of the edging. After these manipulations, we make the side seams of our sleeves. An excellent knitted jumper is ready!
  • stylish free knitted cardigan for women. Photo №4Knitting a jumper with a description KnittingA fashionable women's jumper can be made with knitting needles in another way. We will need 700 grams of yarn, with a density of 100 m per 100 grams, as well as knitting needles No. 4. First, we make the back. To do this, cast on 130 loops and knit with a 2 by 2 elastic band until the fabric reaches a height of 10 cm. After this, we begin to knit the simplest pattern. In this case, we perform an increase of one loop on both sides in every 14th row. In total, we make 5 increases. There should be 140 loops on the knitting needles. We knit until our piece is 42 cm in height. Then we begin to make increases for the sleeves. To do this, we add 3 loops 1 time on both sides in every second row. There should be 174 loops on the knitting needles. The sleeves are formed. Continue knitting the back until it reaches a height of 73 cm. Make bevels for the shoulders: close seven loops on both sides 2 times in every second row, then 6 loops 5 times and 5 loops 6 times. We should have 26 loops left. Close them. Our back is ready. You can start making the right shelf.stylish free knitted cardigan for women. Photo №5To do this, cast on 55 stitches using #4 knitting needles.Knit with a rib pattern for 10 cm. Then we move on to a slightly different type of knitting: knit the first 2 loops as front loops, and the rest with a rice pattern. On the left, we add loops, similar to how we did it when making the back. There should be 60 loops on the knitting needles. Then knit another 42 cm in height from the beginning of the sleeve. On the left side, we continue to add loops. You should get 74 loops. Then knit with a pattern to the very slope of the shoulders. We form it at a height of 73 cm and begin to close the loops. We do this in every second row. We decrease 7 loops twice, then 6 loops 5 times and 5 loops 6 times. We make the left shelf in mirror image. After making all the parts of the jumper, wash them in warm water or steam them and you can proceed to the final assembly. We connect the shoulder seams with a knitted seam. On each shelf along the neckline, we cast on 314 loops. We begin to tie our neck. To do this, you need to knit with an elastic band 24 cm from the lower armhole. We begin to knit an elastic band, finishing it with edge loops. After the neckline reaches 10 cm, we close all the loops. Then separately cast on 104 loops on the knitting needles - along the armholes of the sleeve. We knit it with an elastic band. After 4 cm, we close all the loops. The parts are connected together. Next, we sew the side seams of the sleeves and the main part of the jumper. Additionally, you can make a small strip by sewing it on each shelf. The jumper is ready! Knitting patterns for jumpers with knitting needles are quite varied. Sometimes you can make a thing without using them at all. To do this, you just need to knit a rectangle with knitting needles, knit the sleeves separately and sew everything together. Such a jumper will have a free cut and suit absolutely everyone.

