Diagrams of embroidery of cats with a cross, embroidery of cats with beads, free schemes of embroidery of cats
Let's create a craft of a cat with embroidery This master class will help you create such a cute cat:Before you start handicrafts, you need to make a drawingyour details on the fabric, only on the front side. Since the patterns are embroidered first, and then the cutting takes place, and the embroidery is certainly done from the front. After that, we select the patterns and threads. We did the work with a cross and floss threads. If you are a supporter of other techniques (beads or satin stitch), you can add them to the work.
When choosing an original embroidery option,Please note that this pattern is intended for machine embroidery, not hand embroidery. However, we will be creating the embroidery with our own hands. We recommend using canvas so that the cross stitch is neater and more elegant. To do this, cut out a piece of canvas of the required size. To avoid mistakes, calculate the number of crosses on the pattern and the number of future crosses on the canvas. Next, the canvas needs to be basted onto the fabric from the front side.
Once the embroidery is finished, the canvas will need to be carefully pulled out. We did the patterns on the sides, and they are identical on both sides. Let's move on to the embroidery on the head:
We embroider the tummy.
Try to embroider the design in such a way that the pattern remains as complete as possible and without bright color jumps.
Having completed the embroidery of all the parts, we begin to sewcat. You can do this by hand or with a machine. If the product seems too big for you and you are tempted to sew all the elements with an overlock, make sure that you have enough experience for this, otherwise there will be difficulties. We recommend sewing on complex elements by hand. After that, turn the cat inside out. If you decide to wash the embroidered cat, for example, to remove a pencil from the fabric, first wash the floss threads with a scrap of white fabric. Thanks to this, you will find out whether the threads you have chosen shed or not. Then stuff all the elements and sew.
If after stuffing the product is not quite rightshape you were counting on, sew it up in the back and neck area. The ears may be a little big, so you don't need to stuff them. If you find any flaws, you can try to cover them up with ribbon or lace. To make sure the cat sits as smoothly as possible on the surface, you should put a circle of cardboard in it before sewing it up. The resulting product should look something like this:
And remember that each needlewoman will have a unique embroidered cat!