A lesson on Kansas technique for beginners, creating flowers with sharp petals with their own hands

A lesson on Kansas technique for beginners, creating flowers with sharp petals with their own hands

The unique technique of kanzashi is popularmany craftswomen. Works in this technique are famous not only for their beauty, but also for their sophistication, because the combination of different petal shapes and fabrics of more than one tone allows you to create many decorations: hairpins, hair bands, headbands, and even brooches and garters. In this technique, everyone will find a worthy decoration for themselves. You can watch a video on creating a flower with sharp petals using the kanzashi technique. The main kanzashi petals are round in shape and sharp in outline. This master class demonstrates in detail - how to make a sharp kanzashi petal. Multilayer elements that combine ribbons of two or more types are usually also created using the sharp petal type, so learning how to make these details is very important. From sharp petals, you can form an inflorescence not in one layer, but in several, combining contrasting shades. As a result, you will get a cute flower, the petals of which diverge at sharp angles, like an asterisk. The flower shown is suitable for decorating the hair of a girl of any age.Photo to a lesson for beginners on creating flowers in Kansas technique. Photo №1To create a flower from sharp petals you will need:

  • Tape width of 4 cm from the atlas. Its color can be any that suits you better in mood or in accordance with the wardrobe.
  • Another satin ribbon is the same width of 4 cm, butother color. For example, you can use two tapes of contrasting colors (turquoise and brown), or you can prepare an atlas of the same color, but different saturation: pink and crimson, etc.
  • Lighter. It is desirable to choose this tool with a button, that is, so that when you ignite, you do not need to twist a small metal wheel, but just press the button, otherwise you will quickly rub your fingers, as it will often, but not for long, work with the cigarette lighter.
  • Metal tweezers for easy gripping of parts when melting.
  • Hot glue.
  • A rhinestone for the middle, a bead, a small flower from a wedding hairpin, and so on.
  • Scissors.
  • Set for work in the technique of kkansashi: burner, glass, metal ruler.
  • Needle and thread of dark tone.
  • Photo to a lesson for beginners on creating flowers in Kansas technique. Photo # 2The first step is to prepare everythingnecessary and start dividing the tape into square blanks. The size of the square is determined by the width of the tape, that is, the tape is 4 cm wide, which means the length of the cuts will be 4 cm. It is important to lightly singe the cut lines over the flame, otherwise the satin will quickly begin to crumble and it will be inconvenient to learn how to form sharp petals. The shape of the flower is determined by five petals of one color and five elements from another satin, so prepare 5 squares of each color.Photo to a lesson for beginners on creating flowers in Kansas technique. Picture №3Now we start creating the petals. To do this, you will need to bend the squares several times, the first fold goes along the diagonal line, from one corner to the other.Photo to a lesson for beginners on creating flowers in Kansas technique. Photo №4The second bend runs through the center of the piece and divides the right angle in half, the line connects the center of the hypotenuse of the triangle and with the help of the second bend a triangle is created in four layers.Photo to a lesson for beginners on creating flowers in Kansas technique. Photo №5Now we create the final bend, it goes alonglines from the middle of the corner strictly to the center of the opposite edge. If you bend the element evenly, the last line will determine the appearance of a beautiful sharp petal.Photo to a lesson for beginners on creating flowers in Kansas technique. Photo №6To fix the petal in this form,it is necessary to clamp it between a ruler and a glass surface, draw a line with a hot burner, which will cut off the base of the petal and weld all the layers of satin into a single seam. Similar manipulations are carried out with all the satin squares. With the help of such simple but neat folds, create five parts in each color. All petals should have a characteristic shape with a sharp end and be equal in size.Photo to a lesson for beginners on creating flowers in Kansas technique. Photo №7The next part of the work is assembling the flower.The brown elements form the inner part of the product, so all the petals of this color are sewn with a needle on a dark thread. It is important to pierce the tip of the base of each petal without moving inward.Photo to a lesson for beginners on creating flowers in Kansas technique. Photo №8The needle is passed through the first two petals again and the thread is moderately tightened to form a five-pointed kanzashi flower with sharp petals. The thread is tied in a knot and cut.Photo to a lesson for beginners on creating flowers in Kansas technique. Photo Number 9The second layer is formed from turquoise elements.petals, each element is placed between two brown petals. But first prepare a round base with a diameter of 2 cm, and fix a brown flower on it in the center.Photo to a lesson for beginners on creating flowers in Kansas technique. Picture №10Place all the turquoise petals between the brown pieces. Each petal is glued to the base and its sides are glued to the adjacent elements of the first layer.Photo to a lesson for beginners on creating flowers in Kansas technique. Photo Number 11The middle of the product is decorated with a suitable element – ​​a rhinestone, a bead, stamens, etc.Photo to a lesson for beginners on creating flowers in Kansas technique. Photo number 12The back side of the work should have a smooth, beautiful appearance. A large drop of glue is applied to the central circle-shaped base.Photo to a lesson for beginners on creating flowers in Kansas technique. Photo №13The edge of the snap-on pin is placed on a drop of glue and the item is pressed slightly against the metal to secure everything tightly.Photo to a lesson for beginners on creating flowers in Kansas technique. Photo Number 14The charming kanzashi hair clip is ready, it will decorate the hair of the littlest princess.Photo to a lesson for beginners on creating flowers in Kansas technique. Photo number 15By changing the color of the ribbons and the number of layers in the petals, you can create a variety of hair clips.Photo to a lesson for beginners on creating flowers in Kansas technique. Photo №1

