Clematis of beads: several ways of weaving (scheme)

Clematis of beads: several ways of weaving (scheme)


Clematis made of beads is a very beautiful flower,which you will learn to weave in this lesson, using the technique of parallel and French weaving. So, if you have free time and desire, let's start making this beautiful flower, which is within the power of beginner craftsmen.

Clematis of beads in the technique of parallel weaving

For manufacturing we will need:

  • Wire (green, pink, 0.35 mm thick and thicker wire 1 mm thick);
  • Floral ribbon of green color;
  • Beads (yellow, green, pink, light green, light pink);
  • scissors.

The scheme for weaving clematis from beads is as follows:

Progress of work

  • We begin to make clematis from beads master class: for the manufacture of the 1st flower plait stamen two rows, six petals and a pestle;

  • You start with a bunch of stamens, whichmust be placed around the pistil. The pistil itself is made using the parallel weaving technique. That is, when collecting rows, alternately bend 1 row away from you, and the other towards you, and so on - alternate;
  • Next comes a master class on making petals: here you change rows according to the diagrams that are at the beginning of the lesson;
  • When you are finished making all the details of the crafts (see diagrams), proceed to assembly.
  • Assembling begin on a circle of a pistil - stamens,Then petals. After - all twist with your own hands at the base of the product. So repeat all the manipulations with the rest of the flowers. There should be 3 of them. You can do more, at your discretion;
  • There is a stage of making green leaves: with the help of the parallel weaving technique, make them 36 pieces;
  • Plette five buds: the same technique. In doing so, do not forget to make a rounded shape, using beads - straighten the bud so that the rows curl smoothly and beautifully;
  • Collect 3 branches (see Fig. Scheme at the top of the article) and wind the stems with a green ribbon, which you can actually fix with a thick wire. Actually, the whole process - clematis from beads is ready! As you can see, it's not difficult at all, a little perseverance and everything will turn out! Good luck to all in creativity.
  • Clematis is ready!
    Next, we suggest you take a look at another lesson on weaving this flower.

    Clematis of beads with French weave

    For work take:

    • Beads (crimson, hot pink, yellow, light lemon and green);
    • Wire green (for leaves and stamens) and silver (for light-colored petals).

    Attention: in this MK clematis from beads - its branches consist of 1 flower and 14 leaves. In detail, how to weave such a flower you can see in the video with the master class at the end of the article.
    Weaving patterns:

    Clematis petal weaving pattern
    Scheme of weaving clematis leaves. Execution of work:

  • Let's start our master class on weaving clematisfrom beads using the French circular weaving technique. If you pay attention to the diagrams, you will notice that the flower consists of six pink petals, which are located in 2 tiers and a larger number of raspberry-colored stamens;

  • The petals are beaded: for this you use 18 beads - 11 rows for the 3 upper petals and 19 beads - thirteen rows for the 3 lower petals;
  • Continue the lesson: Perform the central vein of each petal with your own hands light green beads (first row); Second and third rows - we master, using beads of lemon color; The fourth to the seventh rows of the upper petals - go beads are pink, and also the fourth and ninth of the lower petals perform from pink beads;
  • From bright pink beads perform a double outerContour in the following rows - 8-10 upper and 10-13 lower rows of petals. You should also take into account that long wire is used in this weaving of petals (about 120 cm);
  • The stage of manufacturing the middle - consists of a beamStamens of raspberry color (see video). Central part of it rub on the green wire. First, on the middle of the wire, make one needle-stamen, which should consist of 3 yellow and 7 beads of crimson. On both sides of the middle plethite for nine needles - should be only nineteen pcs;
  • We continue the master class: Using a longer other wire (100 cm) - perform one more row - go longer stamens. In this case, each needle of this row should consist of six yellow and eight beads of crimson. As a result, comes out about 24 stamens. Fasten such longer stamens around the previously formed bundle of stamens;
  • Weave the leaves: make from green beads. Leaflets should be obtained with a pointed upper tip like petals. The scheme of the small leaf is as follows: twelve beads - nine rows, and the largest sheet is 18 beads - weave 11 rows (see the photo scheme). The average sheets on the size - consist of 15 beads - do 10 rows. As a result, you should get a flower from: 7 medium-sized leaves, 4 large leaves and 3 small leaves;
  • Collect the flower: You have smaller petals along the middle circle, and under small ones, large petals go. At the end, the stalk is wrapped with green threads, do not forget to coat the wire with glue beforehand.
  • As a result, you get original clematis from beads, as in the photo.

    Video: Learning to weave clematis from beads

