Coat with embroidery: learn to decorate outerwear

Coat with embroidery: learn to decorate outerwear


At all times was in high demand andPopularity among the fair sex. A simple embroidery with beads or smoothness will help a little to refresh and decorate a thing that has already worn. Each needlewoman can try her hand at doing such a thing and make her outerwear more beautiful with her own hands. To realize your own ideas you need to acquire time and patience.

What materials and tools

Such work as embroidery on a coat can not be performed without the following materials:

  • needle. For embroidery you will need to purchase a specially designed needle, which will have a fairly large eye;
  • Circuit. To decorate the outer clothing, you can take a ready-made chart or draw a pattern with a marker at your own discretion;
  • Threads. On the coat with embroidery, the threads of the mulina will be most beneficial. They are presented today in a wide and varied choice. The needlewomen will necessarily pick up a suitable color scheme, and even they will be able to pick up shiny threads;
  • Scissors, thimbles, markers for marking.

All women and girls want to have in their ownWardrobe unusual coat. But you can make it fresh and more beautiful with your own hands, while spending a small amount of time. Thanks to this unique decision, the fair sex representatives will be able to stand out and declare their originality.
Today, things made with your own hands are in particular demand.

Preparatory work before embroidery

Before you start embroidering with your own handsit is necessary to prepare all the necessary materials. The first thing to do is to take care of the drawing or scheme. Craftswomen can draw any composition themselves or select schemes on the Internet. Today there are a large number of photos of finished works, so choosing a drawing for yourself will not be particularly difficult.
It is best for beginner needlewomen to tryembroider a small fragment on regular fabric. This is the only way to decide on the final place to apply the embroidery to decorate the product. The pattern can be located on the neckline, on the side of the back or waist, as well as in any other place. The main thing is that the coat with embroidery is as harmonious as possible and all the details look appropriate. You can attach a small, pre-made sketch to the clothes so as not to make a mistake.

How to transfer a picture to a coat

If the drawing is taken from the Internet, then itmust be printed. You can also take a photo of the pattern that has already been embroidered to compare it with the work done. It is worth noting that the selected pattern comes with instructions on the optimal color scheme. But each needlewoman can rely on her own taste and choose threads that will optimally match the color of the coat.
If there are beads in the embroidery,then the instructions will indicate the total number and size of beads, thread numbers and suitable needles. Next, you need to take care of transferring the pattern directly to the fabric. If the coat is light, then it is best to take carbon paper. To avoid shifts and other unpleasant moments during the application of the pattern, you need to pin the photo of the pattern using safety pins.
For dark fabric, it is recommended to use soap or chalk, which are sold in stationery stores. Now you can get to work and do the embroidery on your coat with your own hands.

Embroidery pattern on the coat

Coats with embroidery can have beads, sequins and other ornaments. In such a case, the main task of any needlewoman is to decorate your product and outerwear. Technique of embroidery.
To make a beautiful pattern, you need to use a stitch called "back needle". The technique for doing it is quite simple. First, make a small knot and secure the working thread.

The required amount is drawn onto the needle.beads, and insert the needle into the coat fabric. The distance between the stitches should be equal to the size of the beads strung onto the working thread. After this, insert the needle onto the front side of the work before the first strung beads and pass through the stitches again. Thus, the beads will be strung twice.
Next, you will need to collect a certain number of beads and embroider according to the printed diagram or photo of the pattern.
It is best to save the finished sketch and check it from time to time with the already embroidered pattern.
After the embroidery is done by handfinished absolutely all seams must be carefully tucked. The coat must be carefully washed and dried. As for washing, it is not recommended to use a washing machine, because beads or other decorations can come off. To decorate the product, more experienced needlewomen advise using silk or nylon threads. It is necessary to match the colors of the threads with the color scheme of the coat.
As you can see, any girl can decorate a coat or any other product. Any handicraft will look advantageous and emphasize individuality.

Patterns schemes


