Build a pattern of the dress for girls with a step-by-step description and photo.
This article explains how you cancreate a pattern for a girl's dress. If you want to sew a beautiful dress for your little princess, but you don't know how to make a pattern, then you definitely need to carefully study this article. Perhaps at first it will seem too difficult to you, but believe me, over time you will learn how to easily and quickly create patterns with your own hands. Today we will talk in more detail about constructing a drawing of the base for a dress. Having mastered this lesson, you will be able to apply the technology of constructing a base pattern to any other model of a girl's dress.Before you start constructing the pattern itself,you need to take measurements using a measuring tape. In our case, the drawing is made for size thirty-two. To create a pattern-drawing of our dress, you will need the following measurements: determine the half-girth of the girl's neck, half-girth of the girl's chest, half-girth of the girl's hips, half-girth of her waist, the length of the back to the waist level, the center of the chest, the length of the sleeves, the width of the back, the length of the dress, the length of the shoulders, the arm girth. You should leave the following allowances for a loose fit: the chest line is six centimeters, the waist level is two centimeters, the hip level is three centimeters.
So, let's get started.On the left side of the paper sheet, we retreat from the upper base of the edge by 7 centimeters, draw a line vertically. On it, it is necessary to mark the length measurement of our product and mark two points - A, H. Through them, to the right side, draw lines horizontally. We create the width of the product. To the right side of point A, we should put aside the obtained data of the half-girth of the chest + six centimeters, and then put point B. AB = thirty-two + six = thirty-eight centimeters. We draw a perpendicular line from point B until it intersects with the line of the bottom of the product. At the place where they intersect, put point H1.
We build a section from the back to the waist.In the lower part from point A, you should put aside the obtained data of the length of the back to the waist line + one centimeter, and then put point T. AT = twenty-nine + one = thirty centimeters. Next, draw a line horizontally on the right side from point T, passing through it. The place of intersection with the straight line BH1 will be called T1.
We build a section along the hip line.At the bottom of point T, put aside half of the obtained measurement of the length of the back to the waist line, and then put point B. twenty-nine: two = fourteen and a half centimeters. Next, draw a line horizontally on the right side of point B, passing through it. We will call the intersection with straight line BH1 B11.
We build a section along the width of the back.To the right of point A, put aside the obtained data of the back width + one and a half centimeters, and then put point A1. fourteen + one and a half = fifteen centimeters. We construct a section along the width of the armhole. To the right of point A1, put aside a quarter of the obtained data of the half-girth of the chest + one centimeter, and then put point A2. In the downward direction, starting from points A2 and A1, it is necessary to draw two vertical lines of any length.
We construct a section of the neckline cut of the back.To the right of point A, put aside a third of the obtained data for the half-girth of the neck + half a centimeter, and then put point A3. Fourteen: three + half = five centimeters. Draw a perpendicular line upward from point A3 until the segment becomes equal to a tenth of the half-girth measurements of the neck + eight tenths of a centimeter. At the place where the line reaches this length, put point A4. The corner that formed near A3 must be divided into two equal parts, and, starting from A3 along a right angle, create a segment equal to a tenth of the half-girth measurements of the neck - three tenths of a centimeter. At the place where the line reaches this length, put point A5.
The resulting points A, A5 and A4 should be connectedbetween each other using a smooth concave line. Next, by analogy, using the photo of our pattern as a guide, create the shoulder darts on the back, the armhole depth, the cut of the armhole on the back and front side, the cut of the shoulders and the dart line, as well as the side seam line.
Let's take a closer look at the creation of the line.waist of the front side. In the downward direction, starting from point T1, it is necessary to draw a segment of one and a half centimeters and put point T5. Then draw a smooth line between points T4 and T5.
Creating a hip line.In the downward direction, starting from point B1, it is necessary to draw a segment of one and a half centimeters and put a point B5. Then draw a smooth line between points B3 and B5. We design a dart along the back of the product. The segment that was formed between GG1 must be divided into two equal parts, and the division point will be G7. And, starting from G7, create a perpendicular segment along the straight line BB1. At the place where the line intersects the waist and hips, mark points T6 and B6. We complete the process of constructing the pattern of the base of the dress by forming a dart on the shelf.
In a downward direction, starting from points B3 and B4,it is necessary to draw two vertical lines of any length until they touch the bottom line. At the place where the line intersects the bottom line, we put marks H3 and H4. If you want to create a flared dress model, then you need to create segments of three - five centimeters from H3 and H4 in the direction to the left and right sides and connect them with straight lines to points B3 and B4.
That's it. The creation of the basic pattern of the dress for the girl is finished.