Crafts and toys for children from the boxes in 10 minutes! 15 ideas!

Crafts and toys for children from the boxes in 10 minutes! 15 ideas!

What can be made of cardboard boxes for children: This house, typewriter, garage, laptop and even a garden. See for yourself! It is amazing how many wonderful toys and crafts for a child can be made from the boxes, and they turn out to be almost free. The content of the article:

    House of the boxes

    Their old boxes, for example from under household appliances can be made - a great house. You will need:

    • all just scissors
    • and bright scotch.

    IMPORTANT: The most practical that such a house is easy to fold and unfold, and will not take up much space! Well, if you make more effort, you can build a whole cardboard castle and it will be a great and amazing gift!


    And what if instead of watching TVoffer a child to get into it? Who would not want to become for some time actors or presenters! The child will be able to play himself, or sing for you from the screen. And you can even yourself (as far as fit) get into the box and tell from it a bedtime story. IMPORTANT: To create such a cardboard TV you only need a large cardboard box, a stationery knife and a marker.

    Kitchen out of the box

    Children often want to become adults andaccordingly, they love games where they can fulfill this role. Having made such a stove, you will give your child the opportunity to cook “food” and feed you at dinner parties and tea parties (in addition to the stove you will need a toy set of dishes). And here the child will be able to make the most varied dishes, and not only the healthy ones with which he is fed. For the manufacture will need a cardboard box, stationery knife, black paper and glue.

    A laptop

    If your kid wants to imitate you and have his laptop, then provide it in this safe form.

    • To make it somewhat functional, use paint to create a “screen”
    • Thus, the child will be able to change the screen image, drawing them with chalk, wiping, and drawing again new ones.

    TIP: You can also sew a laptop case so that the child can take it with you to the kindergarten or to visit her grandmother, because the laptop folds like a real one.

    Cars out of the box

    In these machines, you can "go" and around the house, andthe park. Also on them you can arrange competitions between children at some children's holiday. For production, you will need a cardboard box, blue paper for windows, glue, and disposable cardboard plates for wheels. And let's go!

    Noah's Ark or Ship

    It is sometimes difficult to teach a child to fold place, and not leave them scattered around the apartment. Such an ark will help turn the process of collecting toys into real entertainment, because you need to save animals from the flood. Such a little trick to ensure order in the house and bring up love of animals in the child. Necessary materials:

    • Durable cardboard box
    • Durable cardboard tube (the one here, taken from a large roll of paper for gift wrapping)
    • Sail cloth (the size you need depends on the size of your cardboard tube and box)
    • Empty round plastic container (from ice cream, for example)
    • Pencil
    • Thick thread
    • Pins
    • Glue
    • A small piece of colored paper for the flag
    • Scotch
    • Scissors and stationery knife

    Step-by-step instruction:

    Step 1: Cut out the windows Circle with a pencil something round (for example,glass) and cut this circle along the designated line with a stationery knife (or a small sharp knife). Here are three windows on both sides of the box. Step 2: Making the Sail

    • From white fabric cut two triangular sails. To keep them in shape, glue a small stick from below, for example, from ice cream.
    • One sail in height should reach from the top of the mast (cardboard tube) to the top of the box, and the second a little smaller.

    Step 3: Fasten the sail to the mast Wrap around to attach the sail to the masther thick thread and attach pins. That is, the strings should be in three places: for the upper attachment of the large sail, the upper attachment of the small sail, and the lower attachment of the sails (common to both). Then thread the pin into the sail fabric, and now they are already attached to the mast. Step 4: Fasten the mast to the ship In the middle of the container you need to cut a rounda hole of equal diameter with a mast, so that you can insert it inside, and it does not hang out. After that, the mast and the container that holds it, attach to the box with adhesive tape or super glue. Step 5: Making the door Our ship needs a door for animals to get inside. You can cut a folding door, which will be closed with a rope glued to it. Here's what happened in the end: You can also add a small flag from two-sided colored paper. Now the animals are in a safe place, and you can walk around the apartment without stumbling over toys.


    • You can make a miniature imitation of your apartment or its separate room, school class, or some other room. And all of these.
    • To do this, cut out the windows and doors with a stationery knife, glue the frames of white paper (or any other color of your choice) or adhesive tape, arrange toy furniture in the middle,
    • decorate the walls with stickers, posters, and spread out small figures of men and pets.

    TIP: You can do the part where you need to cut with a knife, and entrust the decor to the child himself, or make it together.

    Table soccer

    Transfer, hit, and ... goal! Table football delights children, so why not make it at home. Moreover, the phrase "everything elementary is simple!" For the field, you need to take a shoebox and cut holes on both sides - the gate, and the clothes will play the role of the players. Throw a small ball on the field, and the game began.

    Cardboard cubes

    These cubes help the child learn to make a picture of the details, a kind of puzzles, only for the smallest. In this case, you will need:

    • wooden cubes,
    • a picture (which will be one cube wide and three cubic long in size) and glue.
    • You need six pictures, each of which is cut into three parts.
    • For example, here are pictures of six men (divided into head, body, and legs).

    The child can combine the cubes at his discretion, creating new characters.

    Cardboard city

    A whole toy city! There are interesting houses with multi-colored window shutters (which open and close), a town hall with a clock, a cafe with a summer terrace, trees and benches. You can also cut out small animals and people. Of course, this is already a rather painstaking work, and it will take hours of free time to create. But it's worth it, because the child will be delighted (and you also guess)!

    Track for cars and garage

    To drive cars on the floor, of course interesting, butSuch a drawn track will take this game to a whole new level. Make street markings on a large dense paper draw, put imitations on the houses, select a place for parking, and the child will play with cars longer and with more interest! And at this time you can go about your business, or join it and compete in driving along the streets of the city.


    If you have more than 10 boxes, then you can connect them together with scotch tape and make such a maze. Of course, it takes a lot of space in an apartment - but you will see how much joy your child will have!


    Lots of kids growing up in apartments and no clueIt has what a vegetable garden is, and the vegetables are already at home in finished form. Such a toy garden or garden will help explain to the child how vegetables and flowers grow and learn their names. It is also useful for raising awareness in a child that a variety of plants, before being in a store, go a long way, and that you need to respect what nature gives us. And it is interesting to play with such lovely plants! For the manufacture you need a multi-colored felt for vegetables and a cardboard box (painted) for the bed.

