Crafts made from pumpkin seeds made by own hands. Simple and easy work.

Crafts made from pumpkin seeds made by own hands. Simple and easy work.

When the cool autumn sometimes you will be boredlong evenings with the family, you can do interesting and useful work - the creation of a hand-held robot from materials suitable for you. Be sure to try to attach to your occupation of children. First, it will help them learn perseverance and patience, and secondly, to show their creative imagination. And finally, it will be a good training for the development of fine motor skills, with all the consequences arising from this. Crafts made from pumpkin seeds made by own hands. Simple and easy work .. Picture №1 The most suitable option for purchasejoint skills will be crafts made of pumpkin seeds. With them, for the beginning, it will be easier for the child to cope as they have larger sizes than the seeds of sunflower. In addition, thanks to their color, working with them you can experiment with a variety of colors and shades. The simplest in the performance for your baby will be the usual appliqué. They can be on any topic they like. You can also offer him to work with pumpkin seeds and clay. In this case, the child can create with his own hands any figures or even entire compositions. It is very easy, for example on the eve of New Year's holidays, to make an elegant Christmas tree, where the base of the trunk is plasticine, and the seeds will be suitable needles. They will need to be plugged into the plasticine stem, which is not very difficult, but requires some effort from the children. At will, after the Christmas tree is ready, it can be painted in green and even decorated, as it should for a festive mood. Such a mini tree, he can give to someone from loved ones or decorate her with her children's room. From the crafts created by the toddler, you can establish an entire exhibition, which will spodvignet him to master and perform more labor-intensive works. Crafts made from pumpkin seeds made by own hands. Simple and easy work .. Photo # 2 If you decide to deal with this closelyinteresting thing, you can start to stock up with other similar material. You will be more interested in making your own crafts by arranging them with seeds of apples, sunflowers, melons, quinces or cucumbers. To do this, you will already have to store them in advance with their seeds, using the main product as food. For such works, many also use different cereals. Manka, buckwheat, millet - everything can come in handy on the farm. In order to give a manke this or that color, it must be rubbed with gouache. This will give the opportunity to give the background the necessary color. Glue for crafts, too, will be needed. The most common PVA is quite suitable. Crafts made from pumpkin seeds made by own hands. Simple and easy work .. Picture №3 Do not postpone for later, get down to business! How many unique crafts can you create with your children - for the joy of you and yourself.

