Create beautiful New Year's toys for your home with your own hands

Create beautiful New Year's toys for your home with your own hands

In anticipation of the main holiday of the year, shopsfilled with Christmas tree toys. They are certainly beautiful, bright and shiny, but sometimes it seems that they are created under a carbon paper. And the decoration of the New Year tree is a reflection of the taste of the owners of the house and their fantasies. So often, instead of buying toys, the tree is decorated with fruits, sweets and homemade toys. New Year's toys made by own hands, will please everyone, give a sense of family comfort, will bring the whole family together and decorate the Christmas tree in a unique apparel. Homemade toys can be created by the whole family and with their help to decorate the very tree, the whole house, and even the street. New Year's toys for the house. Photo №1 Easy and fast The simplest version of Christmas treestoys were and are garlands and beads. For their production, food foil can be used. From it, you need to cut out the squares, which need to be rolled into beads. Take a long strong thread or fishing line, and a needle. The rolled balls are threaded onto the thread. The result should be fixed with loops or staples. If the house has papier-mache, then this is also a suitable material for making beads. But this requires more materials and work. So you need to prepare white sheets, watercolors or gouache, brushes, threads with a needle, food foil and glue. The paper should be finely chopped and covered in a glass. Next, the paper is poured hot water and left for three hours to form the basis for papier-mâché. Next, you should prepare beads of foil of different sizes. When the paper in the glass completely softens and turns into a dough, you can remove it, squeeze out water and mix with glue. Decorative beads, coated with the resulting mass, should be left to dry for several hours. Finished balls thread on a string or line. Original beads can be made from ordinarypasta. To do this, you need a few types of pasta, which is in the house. It is desirable that they be figured. To decorate the beads you will need beads, glue with a brush, threads with needles and sequins. Macaroni need to be colored and decorated with beads and paillettes. Useful decorative lacquer with sparkles. Painted pasta is well dried, threaded. To create a truly festive mood, the house is decorated with colored garlands. You can also create this beauty yourself. Its location will require a suitable place, and for its creation, scissors, colored paper, glue and threads with a needle will be useful. From paper you need to prepare a lot of identical elements, like flags, bells or snowflakes. The thread must be pasted on the figures, dried and weighed. The so-called "English" Christmas garlandis made from the same materials. The sheet is folded with an accordion, the figure of a snowman or a bunny is painted above. Next, the figures are cut out, and the resulting garland is attached to the glue. Of color paper, you can also make the most loved by students a garland - a chain. For her carved many colorful strips. Strips are threaded one into the other and glued together in the form of rings. The garland can be very long and bright. Simple and "tasteful" Children will be very happyedible toys on a Christmas tree. Candy will look bright in a bright wrapper, walnuts painted with golden paint. Fragrant toys will be tangerines, oranges and apples. A Christmas tree decorated with toys representing family values ​​will look traditional. To make a decoration with photos, you need to prepare two identical paper figures, glue them together, and glue photos of loved ones on the front side. The resulting sun with a stuck tape to dry and hang on the tree. Toys with a surprise come from small boxes, wrapped in foil and tied with a ribbon. Surprise can be hidden in a box.

