Create crafts for the New Year with your own hands. Detailed instructions.

Create crafts for the New Year with your own hands. Detailed instructions.

New Year is approaching, the kids are looking forward to itwaiting for the tree to be installed and for it to be decorated. In addition to store-bought toys, you can make crafts from pine cones with your own hands, involving the kids in the work. The natural material will interest the kids, and the crafts will delight them, because they are made by their own hands. Children love to tinker, and therefore working with pine cones will bring them pleasure. Children's imagination is limitless, that even in an ordinary pine cone they will be able to see a Christmas tree, a gnome, a fairy-tale forest spirit. And the opportunity to work together with their parents will only please them.How to make New Year's crafts. Photo №1How to Make Crafts Together Getting Startedcollect the necessary natural materials: cones, acorns, leaves, berries. Prepare: a needle, threads, glue (PVA or Moment), scissors, an awl and plasticine. These accessories will be needed to fasten the parts of the DIY cone crafts. The easiest way to connect elements isis to use plasticine. It is the safest and most environmentally friendly. This operation can be shown and entrusted to a child. You can use toothpicks, however, you must first pierce a hole in the material with an awl. You can fix the toothpick using glue, then the craft will be more durable. If in making the craft not only pine cones are used, but also leaves, berries, then to connect them you can resort to the help of a thread, a needle. It will not be difficult for a child to stitch a leaf, or prick a berry on a needle and stitch it with a thread. This activity will be exciting if you show the alternation of berries and leaves. You will get a small garland.New Year's bellsThe easiest DIY craft from a pine conethere will be a New Year's bell, or better yet, a small composition that will decorate the room during the New Year holidays. To make it, you will need pine cones, a small piece of bright ribbon, cardboard. A hole is made in the pine cone, the ribbon is threaded through, attached to the cardboard, framed. By the way, the frame can be glued from colored paper or drawn, which will be interesting to the child. Every time you meet nature, there is an opportunity to create an interesting craft. Children are very observant and they themselves find natural material that can later be used to create a small work. There are many ways to make crafts, but you need to choose the most suitable for joint work. The most accessible methods of fastening, decoration for children. Of all the variety, the chosen method should be the safest. New Year treeThe craft will be simple but quite interesting.from a pine cone, which can be painted green or blue. Cover with varnish. Glue on small beads, they will resemble snow. And colored ones will resemble toys. There is no limit to your imagination. Install the Christmas tree on a pedestal made of cotton wool. Cockerel - an interesting craft made of pine cones 1. Using plasticine, fasten the pine cones, this will be the body and head. Remove the caps from the acorns, they will be useful for making legs. Make holes in them, piercing with an awl and inserting short twigs there - these are the legs. 2. Fasten everything with PVA glue. 3. Use plasticine to attach the winged beak and the comb to the head, and use plasticine to attach the legs to the body. The beard is cut out of a red dried leaf and attached with glue between the scales of the pine cone. Our cockerel is ready.Whatever craft you decide to make, the childwill be happy to help in its production. He will feel proud of his work. Joint work will benefit all participants, both small and adults. Children will feel not only your love, but also know that you will always come to the rescue.

