Create entertaining crafts from cocktail straws with your own hands
Often parents cannot find a hobby,that would interest their child. To solve this problem, we can recommend an excellent option – making crafts from cocktail tubes. Our small master class will help you quickly and easily master this matter. Vase with a flower To make such a vase you will not need a lot of time and labor. The main thing is to follow the following rules. 1. To give the vase stability, tubes cut in half and fastened with elastic bands are used as its base. The base is glued to a regular disposable plate. 2. Bows or some other decor, such as a flower, are used as decorations for the vase. 3. The flower is made from the same tubes. Cut them into pieces. The small inflorescences that make up a large flower are made from tubes cut into shreds. We connect several tubes using the “one into one” method. and attach the resulting inflorescence to a plasticine ball. Now all that remains is to insert the flower into our vase and the product is ready!
Photo frame This frame is based onthere is a cardboard blank. Its production is elementary. 1. Cut the tubes into equal segments and measure the dimensions of the corners of the frame. You need to cut out several individual elements. Each element must be equal to the length of the corners. 2. Using glue, glue the elements to the cardboard base 3. All that remains is to attach the photo to the back of the frame and voila – photo frame is ready!
Bright jewelry for little fashionistas, for sure,You will love the original, multi-colored beads, the production of which requires a minimum of time and effort. 1. Cut the tubes into pieces of different lengths. For symmetrical beads, the same elements are used. 2. Place the parts of the tubes on the fishing line. Be sure to alternate tubes with beads to make a more elegant product. 3. The more colorful and varied the tubes are, the more original the beads will be.
Geometric figures
Among other things, using cocktailtubes, you can teach your child the basics of geometry. With the help of simple crafts, your baby will quickly remember the names of geometric shapes and spend his time entertainingly. Making such figures is not difficult – All you need is some tubes and glue. This build is limited only by your imagination. You can assemble both simple figures, such as a triangle, and such complex ones as the octahedron and icosahedron. Samples of assembling geometric shapes are shown in the photo.