Create interesting crafts from the acorns for your baby with your own hands, using natural materials
Autumn is a rich season for natural materialscreating cute children's crafts. It's time to turn on your imagination and start creating! For this you will need acorns. With their help you can develop your creative abilities. This will be a very exciting activity!Thanks to the shape and size of acorns, you can create little people, deer, horses, etc., depending on what your imagination is capable of!
For paws and horns, arms and legs we will needtoothpicks. The acorns themselves can be pierced with a needle, and connected together using glue or plasticine. Below we will present you with several options for interesting crafts made from acorns. 1. Horse
For this composition we will need:– Acorns – Threads – Toothpicks – Plasticine – Glue – Colored paper – Wooden blocks Using threads, we will make a tail and a mane, securing them to the acorns with a needle. Next, we should make holes for the legs. We will make the legs from toothpicks and glue them. We will attach the neck in the same way, making it more compact with plasticine. The ears should be made from colored paper and attached to the head. We will create a little man in the same way. We will glue the horse's feeder with plasticine. 2. Instructive conversation
The adult bunny teaches the little bunny howbehave correctly. For this composition we will need: - Acorns - Plasticine - Needle - Glue - Toothpicks - Cotton wool - Colored paper For a small bunny you will need an acorn in a hat, an acorn without a hat and toothpicks. We make holes in the acorns with a needle, prepare toothpicks (paws) and cut out ears from colored paper. Using glue, we connect all the elements of the composition. We also make a daddy bunny. We will create tails for the bunnies using cotton wool. This is how you can create interesting crafts for a home puppet theater and your baby will not be bored.