Create cosmetics with your own hands! A simple master class to create cosmetic creams.

Create cosmetics with your own hands! A simple master class to create cosmetic creams.

It's no secret that cosmetics are created forin order to preserve the beauty and youth of a woman as long as possible. In addition, some ingredients that are part of cosmetics also have medicinal properties. Today, you can find anything in cosmetics stores. Many well-known brands offer various products for body and face skin care, hair, nails, etc. However, many products are very expensive. In addition, you cannot always be sure that the composition of a particular product consists of natural components and does not contain chemical additives. Although many cosmetic manufacturers write on the packaging that their products are of plant origin and completely harmless, most often this is just a clever advertising ploy that helps sell cosmetics better. Of course, you can buy cosmetics in stores, but there is another, more reliable and cheaper way - make cosmetics with your own hands. This way you will know exactly what is in it, and you will not be afraid of allergic reactions. Do you think it is difficult? Study our master classes, and you will wonder why you did not think of this before. Today we will talk about creams. This master class contains three recipes for making creams. Body cream with lavender and succession based on olive oil For a couple of years now, I have been making my own skin cream. For variety, I use different herbs and ingredients each time. I make the cream in small batches, 50-100 grams, which last me for several months. When the jar is empty, I make the next batch. For my latest “creation,” I chose lavender and succession collected in the Crimea and the Middle Belt with my own hands. In addition to the amazing smell, lavender gives the cream a calming effect. It is a powerful natural sedative. Therefore, the cream will definitely help with irritations and inevitable winter peeling of the skin. Succession is one of the herbs that cleanse and heal the skin.We make the cream step by step .. Photo №1I put the herbs on the bottom of a half-liter jar and pour in olive oil, leaving overnight.We make the cream step by step .. Photo # 2The next day I put in a jar of herbs andoil in a mug with water and leave it to simmer over low heat. To prevent the jar from bursting, you need to add a little water a couple of times, because it evaporates. In a couple of hours, the oil extract is ready.We make the cream step by step .. Picture №3 We make the cream step by step .. Photo # 4This time I decided not to melt the beewax separately in a spoon over the fire, and place it directly into a jar, where I filtered the finished oil extract through cheesecloth. I am very pleased with the result, since I did not have to scrape off the hardened wax from the surface of the spoon, all the wax went into the cream. I buy wax from cappings from honey sellers at the market. You can take wax from honeycombs, it is darker in color. The approximate ratio of wax to oil is 1:10, I do not adhere to a strict proportion.We make the cream step by step .. Photo №5I return the jar with wax and oil to the water bath. The wax melted inside the hot oil in about 5 minutes. I stir the cream with a teaspoon, remove the mug from the heat, and take out the jar with the cream.We make the cream step by step .. Photo №6It hardens in a couple of hours and you can use it. I store it at room temperature. It's truly natural cosmetics!We make the cream step by step .. Photo # 7Cream with nettle and calendula Natural creamFor the skin, I cook it once every 3-6 months, when the previous batch runs out. And the shelf life of natural cosmetics is short. When lumps appear in the previously homogeneous mass, it's time to cook a new cream. This time, I received orders from girlfriends, so I "thought for three". From the oils, I chose palm and cocoa butter, from the herbs, which are useful for the skin, nettle and calendula. The choice fell on these herbs also because they give off almost no smell. In this case, cocoa butter will act as a flavoring agent, since its smell drowns out the aroma of any medicinal herb. The properties of cocoa butter include the ability to regenerate skin cells, which is useful for mature and aging skin.We make the cream step by step .. Photo №8Fill a half-liter jar halfway with herbs.The structure of palm oil is loose, so, having poured it into the mixture of nettle and calendula, we leave it to soak for a day or overnight. The mixture turned out to be almost half a jar. Then we put a half-liter jar with herbs and palm oil in a liter mug (or a small saucepan) with water at the bottom.We make the cream step by step .. Picture №9Place the water bath structure on low heat for one and a half to two hours. Periodically add evaporating water. This is how an oil extract of active medicinal components is obtained.We make the cream step by step .. Picture №10After removing the jar from the mug of water, strain the oil.through cheesecloth into another glass jar, now place the butter without herbs back into the water bath. Add 4 cubes of cocoa butter, and on the next burner dissolve wax in a tablespoon (as much as in the photo).We make the cream step by step .. Photo # 11As it dissolves, pour the wax from the spoon intojar with oils. Mix the contents well (with another, clean spoon) and remove from heat. While still hot and liquid, pour the finished cream into jars, in which it will be stored. All these manipulations take about 10 minutes. In an hour or an hour and a half the cream will harden and you can use it.We make the cream step by step .. Photo # 12Propolis cream-ointment for burns Many of youYou have probably heard about the healing properties of such a beekeeping product as propolis. In addition to various minerals and vitamins contained in propolis, it has a pronounced bactericidal effect, destroying harmful microflora. Therefore, ointments with propolis available for sale are intended for healing wounds, burns, and for treating inflammatory processes. Since propolis can be bought along with other beekeeping products on the market, I decided to make a cream-ointment myself using my proven technology. It comes in different degrees of viscosity and color.We make the cream step by step .. Photo №13After chopping the propolis with a knife, I poured olive oil over it.extra virgin oil. The next day (or in a day or two) I placed the jar with propolis and oil in a water bath. Propolis is a fairly dense substance, even after an hour and a half spent in a water bath, it did not dissolve or mix with olive oil, but only became loose in appearance. Propolis contains about 30% beeswax. Therefore, I did not add wax separately to the oil, hoping that the water extract would “squeeze” not only the beneficial compounds and aroma from propolis into olive oil, but also the wax. My expectations were fully met, the finished cream turned out to be the same consistency as when adding pure wax.We make the cream step by step .. Photo №14I removed the water bath structure from the heat andI strained the resulting liquid through cheesecloth into a jar, where the cream was stored. The cream acquired a specific spicy smell of propolis and a greenish-yellow hue. Despite the fact that the cream, as always, turned out to be quite greasy, it is very quickly absorbed by the skin. I used it simply as a hand cream. Several times I had to “cover up” burns from an iron – there was no pain, blisters or peeling skin thanks to the cream. It fully demonstrated its miraculous properties when I got sunburned under the southern sun – there was no pain or typical “peeling” of the skin after using it.We make the cream step by step .. Photo number 15

