How to create an interesting modular origami with your own hands. Revival of forgotten art

How to create an interesting modular origami with your own hands. Revival of forgotten art

Modular origami is an amazing art.create unique figures of paper. The origami of the modules differs from the others in that before you do a certain paper article, you first need to collect all its parts, that is, make the modules. Using this technique, you can collect figures of different animals, birds, trees and even fairy-tale characters. Modular origami is also remarkable by the fact that at any stage of their manufacture it is possible to change the original design, and you can easily remake the already made part of the craft. Fascinating modular origami with your own hands. Photo №1 It is not difficult to master origami from modules for beginners. The most important thing for amateurs is to master the technique of manufacturing individual modules. For origami of modules is well suited: - Office rectangular paper for notes, but only that without a sticky edge; - plain A4 paper is white or multi-colored; - special ready-made sets of paper for modular origami. Sheets of A4 paper should be cut into 16 rectangles (for large modules) or 32 (for smaller ones). That is, the smaller your model will be, the more rectangles you will need to cut out. If you decide to use colored paper, then it's best to take two-sided, since it is much easier and more convenient to work with, especially for beginners. Origami from the modules for beginners is best to master, using ready-made sets of paper, as they contain sheets of different sizes and colors, as well as detailed instructions for making modules. But we suggest that we look at this scheme for collecting origami modules. When you learn how to quickly and correctly collectmodules, then you can easily begin to search for schemes for origami. Figures from individual parts often gather in a circle, alternately adding details to form the shape you need. Modules are simply attached to each other, it is necessary to insert them into each other, but sometimes it is necessary to use a little glue for this. Here everything depends on the master, technique and on the shape of the figurine being collected. You can collect paper crafts together with yourchildren. Thus, the development of fine motor skills in children is well developed, they are brought up with assiduity and purposefulness. Schemes of origami from modules for beginners, of course, you can download on the Internet, and you can come up yourself. It all depends on your imagination.

