We create original crafts from plates with our own hands

We create original crafts from plates with our own hands

Your child will be very happy if you decidemake a joint craft with him. Disposable plates can also be suitable for your creativity. The child will be very interested in making crafts with his own hands, especially if you help him with this. Even the smallest child of 2 years old can make crafts from plates.Make souvenirs from paper plates with children. Photo №1Paper plates for children's crafts.Why paper plates, you ask? Paper plates can be painted and different animals can be drawn on them using pencils of different colors. Any kind of felt-tip pens and even gouache can be used; flowers can be molded from plasticine. It is worth considering that colored paper is also one of the “ingredients” for creating a colorful picture from paper, disposable plates. It is even possible to make a mask for a carnival, especially with the hands of a child. For example, make a donkey mask with your child by drawing a donkey’s face on colored paper, and having painted the nose, glue it below the eyes with glue. Gradually complicate the task. Bunny - a jumperCut the paper plate into half circles,one is bigger, the other is smaller, take black paper, cut out whiskers, eyes and a nose. Cut out ears from pink and beige paper, pink ones are smaller in size, and beige ones are bigger, stick pink ones on beige ones. One of them can be painted beige on the back. Glue on ears, whiskers, nose, eyes and you get a bunny, which can be hung on the wall in a child's room as a decoration. You can also make a craft from several paper plates. ParrotPaint 2 plates blue, from bluepaper, cut out a crest and wings for the parrot. Cut out a nose and paws from yellow paper, cut out eyes from white and black paper, cut out a throat from red paper. All that's left is to glue everything together and you'll have a wonderful parrot. Photo frame for mommyTake a pink plate with scissorstrim the edges of the plate in the shape of a daisy, cut out 2 circles from orange and yellow paper, yellow is larger, orange is smaller, so that they fit into the diameter of the plate. Cut out a photo in a circle in the very middle of the plate and glue everything in turn. Green, cut out a stem and 2 petals, glue to your flower. Crafts from disposable plates, both paper and plastic, develop your child's creativity and logical thinking, at any age. And the child will only be grateful to you for spending time with him on such a wonderful activity.

