Create original handmade crafts for your home and garden yourself
Making interesting crafts for your home issimple. To decorate an apartment or a garden, you often just need a little imagination and materials at hand. You don't have to be a professional to make beautiful and creative things.To decorate your garden, you can useordinary car tires. Cut out figures from them, paint them in bright colors and add some missing details. Unusual and beautiful sculptures for the yard are ready!
These beautiful crafts are made from ordinary tires, who would have thought!
A scarecrow is often needed for a vegetable garden.But you don't want to put an ordinary scary scarecrow in a beautiful vegetable garden or garden. Make a creative scarecrow out of straw or dry corn stalks and dress it in unusual and beautiful clothes. Birds don't care, they are not scared by the clothes themselves, they are scared by the very sight that someone is already in the vegetable garden. Therefore, there is no point in spoiling the look of your vegetable garden or garden with a scary scarecrow in dirty and torn clothes.
Making your garden more attractive canunusual design of the trees themselves. On old large trees, you can make appliques on the bark in the form of bizarre faces. If you are not a master of wood carving, you can simply stick such pieces of wood, bark, cork or cones on the tree trunk to get cute faces or faces. The trees will acquire a new look.
You can also make interesting anduseful things from cork. Often we have a lot of wine corks at home or we throw them away all the time. Meanwhile, cork flooring and wall coverings have become very popular due to their appearance, naturalness, softness and other properties. Why buy cork material for a bathroom rug or wall panel if you can make it yourself from unnecessary corks. It's creative, beautiful and free!
Make a hanging shelf for a room orbathroom is also easy. All you need is a few small sanded boards, a rope and paint. Secure each shelf with knots at the bottom and make sure that all the knots are at the same level for each shelf. Paint the boards and string them on the rope. Gather the ends of the rope into one and tie them together. All that remains is to hang the shelf on a nail.
If you brought back shells from a sea voyageand pebbles, use them for beautiful and useful household crafts. This is more beautiful and practical than just scattering them on the table or shelves. To make a stand for plates or a tray, apply glue to a straw mat or a piece of plastic of the desired size, then lay out a mosaic of pebbles of the same size or flat shells on the glue. In this way, you can also decorate a ready-made tray with handles.
You can make very beautiful things from shellscompositions: Christmas trees, boats, trees, etc. To make such a topiary from shells or pebbles, first insert a branch into a flowerpot, then put a ball on it. This can be a foam ball or any strong ball you have at home. Glue shells, starfish, and other sea souvenirs to it. You can also create sea-themed appliques from shells and pebbles on a piece of plywood, attaching the elements with a glue gun. Insert the applique into a frame, which can also be decorated with pieces of mesh for decorating bouquets of flowers, to create an imitation of fishing nets. Such appliques in frames can be used to decorate a bedroom, a nursery, or a bathroom.
You can cut out the most bizarre figures from cardboard, paper and foam plastic and make beautiful things from them. Then paint these decorations in beautiful colors and they will shine in a new way.
Regular plastic bottles can be used to make not only windmills and border flower beds. Plastic bottles can be used to make original and functional items for storing jewelry.
In the fall, when it's time to harvest pumpkins, make beautiful compositions from the most beautiful ones in the garden or on the veranda.
You can make decorative items from beads and beads. In addition to jewelry, you can make very beautiful trees from beads. All you need is wire and beads.
Needlewomen who know how to crochet,can decorate the house with beautiful openwork tablecloths. But, in addition to tablecloths or napkins, knitting skills will also be useful for functional crafts. Openwork fabric, starched, ironed and fixed with glue on glasses, will turn ordinary glasses into original vintage candlesticks.
From openwork napkins glued to transparent or colored balloons, you can make beautiful balloons to decorate a room or gazebo.
You can crochet baskets and various fancy things. After starching them, you can decorate open shelves with them.
If you are full of energy and desire to create with your hands and decorate your home with your creations, putting your soul into them, your home will always be filled with warmth and comfort!