We create an original tandyr oven for your house with your own hands. A simple device for cooking eastern food is easy!

We create an original tandyr oven for your house with your own hands. A simple device for cooking eastern food is easy!

Eastern cuisine in our time enjoys a hugepopularity. Cakes, samsa, shish kebab - these dishes are loved by most of our fellow citizens. But what is the secret of this unusual and refined taste, having tried, which one will never stop loving and will never forget? The answer is simple - cooking in a special eastern oven - tandyr. This device, invented in Central Asia, helps to create unique dishes, the whole feature of which is that they reach the ready not at the expense of frying on an open fire, but because of the heat that the design gives away. That is why the unearthly and delicious taste of dishes tasted in oriental restaurants you can not forget so long. But, how can it be if there is no money for permanent trips to establishments, and you want to taste the beautiful concoction? No problem. We will tell you how to build an original tandyr oven for your house with your own hands. Just a little effort and investment and you will have an excellent device on the site, with which you can always please yourself and loved ones with delicious and healthy food. The proposed tandyr will be slightly modified for modern conditions and made of bricks, however this will in no way affect the taste of the dishes cooked in it. Detailed step-by-step instructions on creating a tandyr oven for cooking eastern food with your own hands. Photo №1 Above you can see the scheme according to which wewe will conduct work. And so, as it was already written above, we deviate a little from the classical canon of constructing a tandyr and make it of brick and cylindrical shape. It is likely to contribute to a slightly faster process of cooling the walls, but in general for the design it is not critical. But the process of making such a furnace is much easier. As the main material, take the ordinary stove red brick. First you need to determine the location of the installation. A small 1.2 mx 1.2 m area is perfect. It should be perfectly flat and with a padded padding. First of all, we dig a hole. It is necessary for the pipe-ash. For it, you can use either metal (for those who fear the adverse effects of asbestos on the body), or asbestos-cement. Further, without bandaging the rows and using a solution of silicate white brick lay out the area. The solution is not needed, because anyway under the influence of high temperatures, it will inevitably crack. You can also use a reinforced concrete slab for the site, but this will take longer and is much more expensive. The created area should be as level as possible, so use the building level when installing. The next step is to install the walls. The brick must be put on the butt, and for the accurate construction of the walls you will need a circular pattern, or markup. If you are self-confident, an experienced specialist, you can try to lay down without additional devices. The inner circle will be 40 cm in size. 19 bricks should go to the first row. In our case, the construction of tandyrit took 57 bricks. But, of course, you can make its size large and accordingly spend more material - it all depends on your personal needs. In total you should have three rows of bricks. To ensure that the structure does not decay, it must be connected with ordinary metal wire. Gradually laying the 2 nd and 3 rd rows in the end we get a well. Its height should be 75 cm. The next step is to take chamotte clay and prepare the solution on its basis. With the resulting mixture, we cover the gaps between the bricks. Do it preferably with your hands, but be sure to wear gloves. In general, the lining of seams should goapproximately 2 bags of clay of 20 kg. Do not forget, before the lining of the seams, a little dampening of the brick. This is necessary so that it does not absorb all the moisture from the clay too quickly. When the structure dries - apply a second layer - reinforcing. Cooking it is necessary from ordinary clay, abundantly mixed with straw. If cracks form during the putty, theircan easily be removed with a conventional liquid solution of clay. We put the first reinforcing layer and give a break for drying - 2-3 days. Then, in a similar way, make a second layer and also leave for 2-3 days to dry. All this time, it is unforgettable to protect our future tandoor from rain with a polyethylene film, because clay in this form is very unstable under the influence of water. Even stronger, our device will be if wrapped around it with a layer of masonry mesh. And then treat again with clay. We put up a metal ring previously welded in size. Again, re-arm the tandoor with the help of the previously used masonry net. Only now it should reach the level of the installed ring. Now we cover the structure with cement mortar. To prepare it it is necessary so: to mix sand, sifting and cement. As a result, you get lightweight concrete. Next, in the mixture, add one spoon to the bucket of detergent. This is necessary to avoid shrinkage of concrete. When you finish all the work - leave the tandoor to dry for a week. In order for our furnace to better retain heat, we make a lid, preferably wooden. It is also recommended to cover the tandoor with a blanket for even better thermal insulation. It is also necessary to create a special stand, which will accommodate dishes and skewers. All we load products and we begin preparationshis culinary masterpiece! Thus, in just a few days you have built an original tandyr oven for your home. This simple adaptation will help not only to dilute the diet of your households with excellent oriental dishes, but also help to save health. After all, food cooked in tandoor is famous not only for its delicious taste, but also very useful for the digestive tract. Build such a unique oven on your site and show yourself to be not only a great stove-maker, but also an excellent father of the family caring for his food. Use our advice to create and let the food, cooked in the new original tandyr oven, fill with the warmth not only the stomachs of your loved ones, but also their hearts!

