We create useful toys for children with their own hands

We create useful toys for children with their own hands

Toys from salted dough For the preparation of dough we take:

  • 1st. flour;
  • 1 tbsp. finely ground salts;
  • 1/3 tbsp. water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

From these components, carefully knead the dough andyou can start making toys. They can be dried in the air for several days, or in the oven, bringing the toys to a golden color. The remaining salted dough can be stored in the freezer. Toss paper Print the illustrated toy scheme on the printer. Cut, glue along the sides from below and from above, paint with felt-tip pens or paints. Do not forget to put any ball inside the workpiece. Useful toys for children. Photo №1 Toy of grain Very easy to manufacturedeveloping toys with their own hands from children's socks and any cereals. Just stuff the sock with a grain and mold it to your taste, using stretch marks and strings. This toy is a wonderful development of children's motor skills. Toys made of gloves The original is a toy made of gloves. Use a felt-tip pen to sketch out the details of the toy and cut it with scissors. The yellow line is the future seams. Sew the pattern details: Fill them with cotton and sew to each other: From this workpiece you get a wonderful mouseor chanterelles. Or maybe your fantasy will allow you to make an interesting creature from another planet? Cardboard rattle For the basis take a cardboard cylinder from a roll of toilet paper. From the cardboard we cut out two circles of the same diameter - the future upper and lower covers. The bottom cover is fastened by means of an adhesive tape, we fill a rattle with peas or a string bean, we close the top cover and we put on a rattle a preparation from children's tights. Sew it and decorate it to your choice. Toy on a finger of a paper Favorite fairy tale"Kolobok" can not just tell, but show your child using finger puppets. Print out the workpiece on the printer, cut out and proceed to the show, gluing the paper strips along the diameter of the fingers. Rubber To make this developmentalThe toys will need a sheet of plywood, an elastic band and pushpins. With the help of a toy it is good to acquaint the child with figures, to develop fine motor skills of the hands and imagination. Smart cushion For the development of your fingersbaby can adjust the usual pillow. Sew on it buttons of different sizes, satin ribbons in the form of loops, through which your crumb will pass the shoelaces, voluminous small toys. For such an exciting lesson your kid will spend a lot of time playing and developing at the same time. Puppet For older children, try to make a doll-puppet. The process of manufacturing it will take time, but it's worth it - your child will be delighted! We need:

  • plasticine;
  • glue for papier-mache: 3 items of l. pour flour into 1/3 of st. cold water, pour boiling water and cool;
  • newspaper;
  • Styrofoam;
  • 2 pencils;
  • strong threads.

From plasticine blind the head and trunk of the doll,soap them with a soap solution and you can begin the process of gluing: pick up the newspaper in small pieces, dip them in a bowl with glue and cover your head and body. Make at least 10 layers. Dry the workpieces thoroughly and separate the papier-mâché, cutting it in a circle. We take the thread, make a knot and glue it to the inner side of the workpiece. To the head and body we glue two threads: one of them will move the toy, the other serves as the basis. We cut out paws and neck from foam, from two pencils we make a cross - we connect them cross-wise with each other. Thread for the head tied to the front crosspiece, for the trunk - to the back. Paws tied to the sides of the cross. It remains to paint the toy and "teach" her to walk.

