We create a wedding dress for a doll with our own hands from improvised materials.
Many women in their childhood wanted to havedolls had a lot of outfits. I wanted bright dresses to complement the dolls' wardrobe every day, but they were such a rarity in stores, and many did not know how to sew. Now, you can give your daughter a whole collection of your own design.Today it is easy to find ready-made ones or create them yourselfpatterns of dresses for dolls. Even the most inexperienced seamstress can sew very beautiful outfits for a doll using such patterns, and, moreover, there can be a great variety of them. All patterns of dresses for dolls are provided in scale for a person, but in full height for a doll. There is no particular difficulty in drawing up patterns, since the patterns are made without adding secondary lines and only the main ones are drawn, according to which the dress model is then sewn.
To make a pattern for a doll dress,you need to know all the sizes, that is, the chest, waist and hips, well, accordingly, the size of the product itself. Such measurements can be taken with a regular tape measure. Based on the numbers obtained, you can design a dress model. To sew any dress model, you will not need much material, it all depends on the size of the doll. If the pattern needs to be made for a doll up to twenty centimeters tall, then it is better to sew a model from several parts. This will make it convenient to adjust to the size of the doll, and if it is more than twenty centimeters, then you can sew the dress in one solid piece.
Designers offer outfits for dolls in all theirbeauty: from strict business Barbie outfits to extravagant evening dresses. Each model can be supplemented with rhinestones or ribbons - then the texture of the dress will look completely different. When constructing a pattern for dolls, unlike regular patterns, it makes work easier due to the lack of calculations for special lines that should emphasize the figure and waist of the doll. All adjustments can be made during the fitting.
To create masterpieces, stylists decideduse only fabrics of simple texture, which significantly saves money. They were supplemented with various nets or lace, then the fabric acquired some mystery and attractiveness.
The doll, dressed in the outfit, seemed to come to life andgave joy to children. All additional attributes to the outfit were made by designers by hand, or purchased in special stores. Sewing dresses for dolls is a very delicate and, at the same time, very sensitive work. Small details and structures of the model cannot be missed, and the fabric must be selected based on the pattern, because the required material may not be suitable for every model.
In any literature or even on websites inYou can find any kind of pattern on the Internet, but it is better to make the patterns yourself. This will make it easier for you to avoid unnecessary expenses on fabric, and the model will correspond to the size you plan to sew. The pattern consists of clear lines that are drawn based on the measurements taken. Let's start with the back. To do this, draw a right angle at the top on a sheet of paper and mark it with point A. This point will be the most important, and all the lines will extend from it. From point A, we put a line and put point G. AG will be equal to the height of the armhole. Then, from point A, we put a line and point D. The distance AD is equal to the length of the back to the waist. And if you put a line from point A and put point H, you will get the distance AH, equal to the length of the product. The most basic drawing of the pattern is built, now you can start drawing individual elements.
Once the back drawing is constructed, you canproceed to drawing the shelves, which are drawn in a similar way. The most important thing is to take into account when drawing the allowances for free fit and darts, which should correspond to the size lines. Try to experiment, and do not be afraid if something does not work out. Having learned how to sew dresses for dolls, you can safely take orders for sewing dresses for people.