Making artificial flowers with your own hands is fun and easy, as you can see for yourself after reviewing the options for making flower arrangements described in this article.
Artificial flowers from different materials with your own handshands It is difficult to find people who are not attracted by the delicate petals of orchids or chrysanthemums, the aroma of roses or lilacs, and snowdrops just breaking through from under the snow. A bright bouquet is not only a wonderful gift and home decoration, but also a sweet sign of attention to a loved one. When there is no money for a bouquet of fresh flowers or for health reasons (for example, with allergies) you are unable to tolerate their smell, the same elegant artificial flowers made with your own hands will come to the rescue. This is exciting and easy, which you can see for yourself by familiarizing yourself with the options for making flower arrangements described below.You will be faced with the choice of material, which is preferable to use for making flowers. We recommend fabric, and best of all – polymer (plastic) clay.
This clay is produced in various colors.shades, it is quite convenient to work with. Polymer clay can be found in almost any art store, where the necessary varnish is also sold, which is then used to cover the finished product. You should organize a place for work before you start your creativity. The work surface must be covered with paper material (unnecessary magazines or newspapers will do), because certain types of clay can leave marks on the surface. Now you can start making flowers with your own hands. As an example, we will try to make a rose. You should start by preparing the petal shapes. For this purpose, take thick cardboard, from which you cut out several petals (there is no need to make them identical), and until we need them, let them lie aside. Next, separate a part of the required size from a piece of polymer clay and crumple it until it is soft enough. Roll out the clay taken to make the petals like dough. The thickness of the "dough" choose yourself, we, in turn, recommend 1-2 millimeters. Place the cardboard petal blanks on the rolled clay and trace the outline using a stationery knife. We make the rest of the petals of our rose in the same way. As the center of the future flower, make a small yellow ball, around which fix all the petals. Do not rush to cut off the remains of the excess clay at the bottom. It is better to roll them into a long rod. Using the same technology, make the required number of flowers and give them time to dry.
Due to their density, roses made of clay are madetoo heavy and do not hold well on the stems. It is quite easy to get out of this situation. It is necessary to place a spherical piece of foam plastic in a previously prepared flower pot instead of soil, which should fill the empty space of the pot and slightly protrude beyond its upper part, forming a semblance of a mound. Then, taking the flowers by the stems that you made from the remaining clay, carefully and tightly insert them into the foam plastic. It will not spoil the aesthetic appearance, since they will not be noticeable behind the petals. That's it, a bouquet of cute roses is made!
As we said earlier, another suitable onefor artificial flowers the material is fabric. For those who are just taking their first steps in this type of hand-made, it is preferable to use dense types of fabric that will perfectly retain their shape. Velvet, shiny silk, and plain satin are ideal options here. If you have done handicrafts related to fabrics in the past and have scraps left over, they will also be useful to us for highlighting some details, so save them.
Before starting work, it is not enough to decide onsource material. The fabric should be properly treated with a special solution. Its preparation does not require special knowledge or reagents, and the necessary ingredients can be found in almost every home. Pour three teaspoons of gelatin with a glass of warm boiled water and stir a little. After the gelatin has completely dissolved in the water, pour the solution onto the fabric and leave it to dry, without wringing it out under any circumstances. After complete drying, the material for the future product is ready.
The main part of almost all flowersmake up the petals that we will draw on the fabric. This can be done "by hand" or using some stencils. Applying the contours should not spoil the future flower, so do not use a ballpoint pen or pencils for this. It is better to replace them with simple cosmetic soap or special chalk. Having cut out the required number of petals, we proceed to arranging them with each other. It is not recommended to use glue, since it covers the fabric with a crust, sometimes spreads excessively and leaves spots. It will be more practical to connect the petals with threads and a needle. You can achieve the splendor of the bud if you put one row of petals after another. In the middle of the flower, you should sew a rhinestone or a shiny stone that plays attractively in the sun. The creation of artificial flowers provides a wide space for your imagination to fly. Here you are free to make either a separate flower or create an elegant composition. To refresh a boring home interior or decorate one of your wardrobe items with unusual color shades and shapes, it is best to use flowers made by yourself. Try it!