Cross-stitch embroidery in vases according to schemes and description for free
Cross stitching of the picture “Flowers invases". Description and patterns Cross stitching dates back to the times of primitive civilization, when stone needles were used. The materials for embroidery then were animal skin or sinews, wool or hemp fibers, hair. Cross stitching is one of the ways of embroidering a pattern on canvas using a needle and multi-colored floss or other embroidery yarn, which uses the technique of a whole cross and half cross. For canvas, both purchased ready-made canvases and linen cuts are used.It is believed that cross stitching is necessaryonly on the hoop. In fact, you can work without them. Holding the canvas in your hands, you will not damage the already embroidered fragments with wrinkles from the hoop. At the same time, it is easier to turn the needlework over.
The hoop is used to stretch the embroidery.Some needlewomen find it more convenient to embroider crosses when the fabric is stretched evenly. Instead of hoops, frame machines are also used for embroidery. Using them, both your hands will be free. Floral motifs are the most common patterns for cross stitching. This is not only a very exciting activity, but also simple. Therefore, in this article we offer a selection of patterns for cross stitching of various flower compositions, which you can easily download from our website for free and without registration. With the help of these patterns, you can create unusual things with embroidery, such as a tablecloth with napkins, a blanket, a postcard or a picture. We suggest you cross stitch the picture "Flowers in vases" according to the pattern.
For this we will need DMC floss, Aida 14 canvas, embroidery hoops, Tsapelki scissors, embroidery needle, water-soluble marker.
We will draw squares on the canvas with a marker to make it easier to find the necessary fragment, errors and the center of the picture. We will transfer the selected pattern onto the canvas, placing it in the center of the fabric.
Let's start cross-stitching the picture,using a double strand of thread and the counted cross stitch technique. In this work we also use a half cross. We use it to embroider the background behind the flowers. We also use a little back stitch in the embroidery, embroidering the lattice and the flowerpot. We start and finish all the rows of stitches without making knots.
The number of thread colors used is about 26pieces, and the size of the finished painting is approximately 20x48 cm. The finished painting "Flowers in vases" will perfectly fit into the interior of your kitchen, giving it a spring mood and coziness. Below we offer you patterns of flower compositions for cross stitching.
Pansies + patterns