Decor for clothes hangers

Decor for clothes hangers

Want to make some colorful and fun ones?hangers for your or your child’s closet? Please, here is a great idea on how to decorate clothes hangers with your own hands, changing the boring look of ordinary wooden hangers. You can do this decoration together with your baby, who will then be happy to use such beautiful hangers.Decor for clothes hangersYou will need hangers (wooden, wire or plastic), glue, paints, sponges, ribbons, braid, pompoms, beads and other materials for decoration.Decorating clothes hangers with your own handsApply glue (hot glue) to the surface of the hangerfrom a pistol or “moment” type), and then glue the braid or tape. If the wire hook is thin, then you can string multi-colored plastic beads or felted wool balls onto it.Decor hangers with their own hands Decor hangers with their own hands Decor of clothes hangersMake shaped “seals” from a washcloth or sponge, dip them in paint and paint the hanger.Decor hangers for clothing paintsDon't hold back your imagination! Let the hangers turn into a real creative masterpiece that you will even be sorry to cover with clothes!Bright decor of clothes hangers with paints Bright decor of clothes hangers with paints

